• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Help with first time possession charges


Hey guys, got into kind of a pickle recently. Me and a kid who I had just started to hang both headed up to burger king for the munchies. He asked me if I could sell him an eighth interested in a new smoking buddy I said sure he drove me to save gas so keep in mind hes the driver and its his car, we went to my house i ran inside grabved a an eighth and a dutch. he had like .4 of some shit weed he had bought the other day. We went to burger king and got a whooper. We thought itd be a sweet idea to post up behind a botel and hotboxed as the blunt finished I notice a car pass. I thought it was sketchy and threw.the blunt. We pulled out of the parking lot looked behind me and sure enough I turn around and see a policd badge on the driver. I calmly told the driverand he panicked. He took the weed and removed his backseat cup holder and hid it in ther. The officer pulls us over, comments on the smell nd tels us to get. We said we snoked but that had been all our weed and smoked a blunt. e asks to search the car, I asked if he had and a sear h warrant he says he has probable cause and the other kid gave him consent the officer first funds a bowl he had forgot to hide the other kid asks if I could take blame for it for him I say no and that it was his fault for giving consent. the officer eventually find the bud and pulls each of us aside the other kid was a minor and before reading rights he says that if I tell him whats what I can go home tonight instead of jail. Figuring the other kid would yake the blame considering technically it was his and was his car I said I knew it was in the car but it wasnt mine. Also he found a cigarette that was mine and i said it was mine. Being 18 the officer wasnt a complete dick and called my parents. They pick me up and voila court weeks later. So heres the pickle the other kids a BITCH and I if I had known this I wouldnt have ever associated myself with him let alone sell dank to him. The kids saying pretty much to claim all the bud or hell drop that I sold to him (idk if.its a bluff because then hed get possession charges. Hes rich as fuck and got a good lawyer. I come from aa poor family so chances are well get an appointrd lawyer? I told my parents half the bud was mine and half his I dint know why but I cant just be lile this kids blackmailong me because I sold him that budd.
Anyways if anyone has advise id kill for it

Ps im in virginia


Well-Known Member
lol, you'll be fine kid.

just make sure you get yourself a good lawyer. Public defenders don't give a fuck about nobody except earning that $100.00

your probably going to end up with probation/fines/community service - at the most I would think.

Can't say for 100% but I would say you'll be alright. If your worried about jail/prison.. eh, I highly, highly doubt it.

But then again, I don't know your particular states drug laws either.. but in a general opinion with general knowledge

of the court systems and laws, I would say you'll end up with probation/fines/ and probably some community service work.



:) whew nice to hear some reassurance, im just worried about court because its a joint trial and he could really fuck me over of he wanted.


Well-Known Member
:) whew nice to hear some reassurance, im just worried about court because its a joint trial and he could really fuck me over of he wanted.

eh, highly doubt it. besides, i've learned in my 29 years of life so far, that lies can only go so far.. before the REAL truth eventually makes its way out.

anyhow, being nervous.. especially being your first charge/time in court... you'll be fine man.

Just make sure, while on probation.. not to fuck up. If you do man, they'll revoke your probation and you WILL do some time in jail.. and it will be whatever the initial sentence was from your initial/first charge. So don't get into any more trouble.. the judge remembers people and knows the frequent customers he has come through his court room. If he sees you again while your on probation, especially while on probation.. its going to piss him off and you'll more than likely end up doing time for not only the first charge.. but possibly the second charge as well.

good luck.



Active Member
yea... first offense ... an eight ... no biggie but now you have a record started - take this as a good lesson and practice good sense when smoking and meeting new people. No matter how cool someone seems you just dont know how they will react to a little pinch or pressure unless they have already been there... choose wisely grasshopper .......


bud bootlegger
it all depends on your state laws.. i know i had to go to court in pa, not my home state, for a small amount of bud, and i had no lawyer, just the public defender. and in that state, so long as your in possession of under an ounce of bud, it's a misdemanor, and not even punishable by probation or anything, just a small fine and court costs, nothing else at all... but of course i know that not all states are the same..
even still, most states give you a get out free card for your first possession charge, so long as you stay out of trouble for a year, it will be dropped.. it kinda sucks to use your get out of free card for a small amount of bud though, but sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do... i'd look up on a site like norml and see what the penalties for simple possession in your state is..


Active Member
the kid is a punk and here in michigan your first offense you cop a 7011 i believe and do 6 months probie and then it falls off your record when probie is over.. i however do not know about virginia..i recently went through something like this and i was telling the truth and the other kid was lying. my lawyer asked all of us if we would take a polygraph and i was the only one who would. needless to say i got off and they did not. you might be able to win with public defense but i hired a lawyer because that is the only way to truly know that they are on your side. my friends dad got a public defender and ended up in fed prison for four years! so think about it and decide what is best for you.


Thanks all its just reassuring having a community like this yo disvuss everything thanks all :) and I come from an unwealthy family and cant afford it.. just gonna try and make the best woth what I can do ill let u guys know how I do when I goto court.see you guys around RIU!


Well-Known Member
no amount of money is going to get that kid out of trouble. he'll probably go to rehab if he's as rich as you claim.

it's difficult to prove you are guilty. the court appointed atty will try to get you to plea out. don't. go to the evidenciary hearing and hear what the state's case is. you have a right to review the evidence before the trial.

you are a DUMBASS.

you NEVER admit to knowing about weed. that alone might get YOU in more trouble than you think. the driver was driving, how in the world would he have turned around and put that in the back seat cupholder while driving without the cop noticing or running into a pole??? since the officer didnot see anybody hide anything, it seems to me that YOU hid it in there while the driver was asking WTF is that and telling YOU to take the blame.... he'll say he wanted you to take the blame b/c it was your weed.... ever think about that???

money doesn't necessarily get you freedom in this world kid. you have to be smart, and you weren't. if you are 18 i can reasonably suspect you are in highschool. i had to LEARN the ammendments of the constitution verbatim in 10th grade. can't remember them word for word anymore, but i remember the 5th pretty well.

you cannot be forced to admit guilt, ever. you might be advised to while reaching a plea agreement, but it is a CHOICE. you can go to trial, or take the plea.

don't blame his father's bank account.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like the kid will do and say what his high priced attorney that daddy paid for tells him to do.
That means the attorney will be painting a picture for the judge or jury. In that picture you will be painted as the adult male drug dealer who pushes dope to underage kids and that the dope was yours and you were about to try to sell it to young Timothy.

Does that picture sound pretty close to the truth?


Active Member
unless he had a recorder or was wearing a wire, there is no way they can prove you sold him the weed. its his word against yours. also never admit to smoking to cops. just say no or tell them you wish to remain silent.

Killer Vanilla

Well-Known Member
i dont see why your worried, he can try and say that you sold him the 8th but you can easily denie it? im sure you will be fine guy


Well-Known Member
unless he had a recorder or was wearing a wire, there is no way they can prove you sold him the weed. its his word against yours. also never admit to smoking to cops. just say no or tell them you wish to remain silent.
does anybody else notice some irony here???


Active Member
In the future try being more cautious:
Only carry what you can eat. If the police show up you can eat what you're carrying and be home free on the possession charge.
Personally I will only smoke in a house, not a car. Your house gets the greatest 4th amendment protection and it's easier to hide the odor.
I also change my clothes if I'm going out after I've toked up. The smoke often makes them smell lightly but the key is not to attract attention :)

Michael Sparks

Active Member
Hey guys, got into kind of a pickle recently. Me and a kid who I had just started to hang both headed up to burger king for the munchies. He asked me if I could sell him an eighth interested in a new smoking buddy I said sure he drove me to save gas so keep in mind hes the driver and its his car, we went to my house i ran inside grabved a an eighth and a dutch. he had like .4 of some shit weed he had bought the other day. We went to burger king and got a whooper. We thought itd be a sweet idea to post up behind a botel and hotboxed as the blunt finished I notice a car pass. I thought it was sketchy and threw.the blunt. We pulled out of the parking lot looked behind me and sure enough I turn around and see a policd badge on the driver. I calmly told the driverand he panicked. He took the weed and removed his backseat cup holder and hid it in ther. The officer pulls us over, comments on the smell nd tels us to get. We said we snoked but that had been all our weed and smoked a blunt. e asks to search the car, I asked if he had and a sear h warrant he says he has probable cause and the other kid gave him consent the officer first funds a bowl he had forgot to hide the other kid asks if I could take blame for it for him I say no and that it was his fault for giving consent. the officer eventually find the bud and pulls each of us aside the other kid was a minor and before reading rights he says that if I tell him whats what I can go home tonight instead of jail. Figuring the other kid would yake the blame considering technically it was his and was his car I said I knew it was in the car but it wasnt mine. Also he found a cigarette that was mine and i said it was mine. Being 18 the officer wasnt a complete dick and called my parents. They pick me up and voila court weeks later. So heres the pickle the other kids a BITCH and I if I had known this I wouldnt have ever associated myself with him let alone sell dank to him. The kids saying pretty much to claim all the bud or hell drop that I sold to him (idk if.its a bluff because then hed get possession charges. Hes rich as fuck and got a good lawyer. I come from aa poor family so chances are well get an appointrd lawyer? I told my parents half the bud was mine and half his I dint know why but I cant just be lile this kids blackmailong me because I sold him that budd.
Anyways if anyone has advise id kill for it

Ps im in virginia
You cannot be the defendant in your own case, if there is no victim there is no crime, damn you kids now days just surprise the hell out of me, eating fast food garbage and then talking to the po po, haven't you ever heard "WHATEVER you SAY will be used AGAINST you"? That shit is on purpose... if you admit anything.. guess who it is going to be used against.. damn son, go to court and say hey, where is the victim, then go home and think hard about what you DIDN'T DO !