HELP with first indoor grow...


Well-Known Member
I am thinking of doing my first 'full' grow indoors... i have grown indoors before with bag seeds and the plants reached about 12-14" beforei had to pull them due to a recentlY broke up girl friend if u know what i mean lol... But anyway, i wanna do a soil grow in a closet that is approx 2'X5' and was wondering which strains would be best for me to start out with and which seed banks are most reliable ect....

Thank you for your help....


Well-Known Member
Lowryder seems to be recommended to a new grower quite often
I should be just as concerned about lights, soil etc...which means research ("Research" = playing with grows in your head ;))

Attitude, Herbies...I've yet to try a bad seed bank. I'm sticking with Herbies at the moment,as they have top customer service


Well-Known Member
yea i was looking at the short rider strain on nirvana seeds... and yea i have been doin alot of reading threads on here... id appreciate all the help i can get


Well-Known Member
i was also wondering how may plants do you suggest in this area? i was thinking 2-3 plants.... the one thing that bothers me in this closet is that it is only 2' in depth....


Well-Known Member
yea agree, but all depend on how big plants you want = Veg time

but a few to start with is a good number, I would say no more then 5 in that space

try to take a look at this "guide"

nice easy to use "guide" that can answer many basic questions also them you did`t know you had ..

did you think about light, ventilation, odour control, remember it's a living plant, use to grow outdoors we want to grow inside, need to make similar conditions for it to do good, that means a grow medium for weed, wind, water, food, air/co2 and enough light in the right Kelvin aso.


Well-Known Member
im thinking of just doin a "basic" grow with florescent tube lights and proly some xtra cfl's and flower with a hps.... i read on a site that i want around 200 watts? info on lighting would be apprieciated :) and im not worried about the odor what so ever i look at it as a good air freshener haha.


Well-Known Member
yes for now because it is too cold in the basement right now to use that....and i dont wanna just grow in the living room haha


Well-Known Member
think about it, etc. 3 plants, hopefully all with 2-4 oz of fresh Buds plus leaves, imagine how much that will stink, think one gram of dried Bud in a Bag, then multiply it 1000 times with no bag, fresh !!

also some strings "smell" more of cat piss then dried Bud, a 50$ carbon filter on your ventilation will clear 99% of the odor a must IMO unless you cant smell shit and live on a island all alone

about light, maybe go for a 400W MH/HPS with a cool tube and vent/filter to match sumthing like this:


a solid basic beginner Kit that wont let you down, and will easily grow you 2-3 plants, with a little research I bet you can get it all for less then 300$

MH for Veg and HPS for flowering will cover 3x3 feet so maybe use a foot or so for vent/filter/Fan Etc. at one side of the closed ..


Well-Known Member
My tent's pretty much 2 x 6 ft....I have 8 Afghani Kushs in there at the moment. It's more about the right size of pots as well as plant.

Flowering week 2 and week10 (2).jpgFlowering week 2 (right) and week10 (left ).jpg

Old pic, but you get the idea...


Well-Known Member
hey slipon/anyone where do u advise for me to check out some lighting and other supplies from? internet sites? local stores?


Well-Known Member
Internet and local stores imo.

(If I had a local hydro store I'd show them the best deal I found on the internet and see if they can match it. But even if they just got close I'd stay local; it's got to be better buying anything from someone you can see...imo ;))


Well-Known Member
ok well i see i dont have $300 to spend at the moment so what are the recommended watts for cfl's if say i do 2-3 plants? I really dont plan on doing more than that....


Well-Known Member
Internet and local stores imo.

(If I had a local hydro store I'd show them the best deal I found on the internet and see if they can match it. But even if they just got close I'd stay local; it's got to be better buying anything from someone you can see...imo ;))
totaly agree, I use my Hydro shop as much as possible, sumtimes they don't have what I want or is just to expensive, most of the times I can get them to order it home for me and often they cut some of the price or give me some freebees to make up for the extra cost, but even with a little more cost (also after calculating the shipping) I still like to buy local, both to support them, nice guys and nice shop, don't want to see it close, rather see them expand :D and Bc. I get it right away, with some good advice and the option to go back if sumthing is wrong etc. and now as they know me I often get good deals, last time I spend 300$ in there they threw a light meter in for free (40$) and when I buy seeds from em I always get a lot of free seeds

as Sword say, do the research online and then go to your local shop, prepared


Well-Known Member
ok well i see i dont have $300 to spend at the moment so what are the recommended watts for cfl's if say i do 2-3 plants? I really dont plan on doing more than that....
then get every thing els but the MH/HPS light and filter now and get the MH/HPS and filter next month Etc.

wont need more then a few 23W/55W CFLs to start out with, seedlings a few weeks old don't need much light, try to get them in 6500K maybe with a single 2700K to mix in with the 6500K CFLs, maybe a 6500K for each plant and a 2700to in between them ..


Well-Known Member
ok.. i seen at a local hardware store that they also have i think it was 60 watt daylight cfl's for like $10 a piece... would you recomend a cpl of them or more of the lower wattage lights?


Well-Known Member
With cfl's you can keep putting them as many as you can really.
I've yet to hear any complaints about having too much light...;)