Help with ducting for a cabinet grow


So here is a draft of the cabinet I am going to grow.
I forgot the dimensions on the image

Length 1.6 ft
Width 2.6 ft
Height 6.2 ft

Any suggestion on my ducting?

I was planning on growing Lowryders n other Auto's in soil.



Active Member
what you've got pictured will work just fine. Simple is always better and thats as basic and trustworthy of a setup as any.


well its a cabinet.

length 19.75"
width 31.25"
height 73.88"

for autos, will there be a difference in a 250w hps or 400w hps yield?


So I just have to vent the cabinet/light well enough to keep temps down. so after the filter and ducting the 8" fan should to just fine.


Well-Known Member
shouldn't there be two balance dampers for finer control and the carbon attached to the inlet of your cab draw (the duct, not the passive)?

these are things i need to know...


Well-Known Member
Hey Derruti you got the right idea. But if I could offer you some help:

  • Your cabinet has 25 cubic foot of air - so a 25CFM rated exhaust fan, without ducting of filter, would replace the air in your cabinet in 1 minute. An 8 inch fan is typically rated 500 - 750CFM. Even with massive restriction and miles of ducting, your would still have a hurricane in your zone.
  • Use approx 200 CFM fan for exhaust. A standard 4" fan is rated at approx 200CFM. Unducted, this will replace the air in your cabinet 8 times per minute. Once you add your filter and exhaust run, your CFM's will be reduced, but you will still have ample headroom.
  • Rather than two 4" dampers in a cabinet this size, run just one 4" intake SMALL inline DUCT fan (less than 100 CFM), with a HEPA grade filter (DustShrooms are nice alternative to the standard weave style HEPA filter offered by most).
  • With both an exhaust and intake fan, you can maintain a balanced pressure within your zone, rather than relying on overkill exhaust fans and negative pressure to open dampers for intake.
  • Kick these fans on and off simultaneously with a temp/humidity controller.
Oh yeah - and keep it simple! haha I like that one too KISS