Help with drooping plant and leave

Thank u I just put some h2o2 in it. Tomorrow when hydroguard I will add that. My dwc tank is 5 gal. How much should I use?
Is that what the bottle says???
I would go off the bottle. I aint no expert on hydroguard so i dnt wanna fuck ya up. Maybe someone else may know more but if u dnt get a definite answer i would go off the bottle. That shit works right away at attacking the infected roots...
I notice that when I last changed the water the plant start to droop. This is day 4 of the drooping plant. I dont know what to do. I lower the water level on the dwc. I added a new air stone for oxygen, I even changed the water with half the nutrient, this plant did great for 4 weeks and now it looks like it is dying. Please help me save my plant. I just dont know what to do.
Did she bounce back from hydroguard