Help with delay in harvest...


Active Member
Hi everyone!!.. i have this two super silver haze in dwc.. that is supossed to be ready to harvest on January 31.. i flushed them like 12 dys ago.. but today (february 23) i saw them and it looks like needs more time.. maybe week.. or more ....should i give some nutrients to this plants..?? and then flush them again?? or just wait with plain water???
ill appreciate any help!!


Well-Known Member
Flushing at end of flower is a myth that needs to go away. Flushing is a last ditch effort to save your plants from lets say you forgot to dilute your nutes and you want to prevent it from burning. Anyways if your asking us to help tell if your plant is ready then we need a picture , or go get yourself a jewelers loupe and check the trichomes yourself.


Active Member
its not ready.. thricomes are mostly milky but still a lot of cristal/shining thrics... also theres a lot of pistils that seem to be not ready.. still like new...but it have a lot of dry leves
IMG_0793.JPG IMG_0793.JPG IMG_0791.JPG



Well-Known Member
Can't really tell but it looks to me like they might need more time for the buds to fill out. I've never grown that strain, however. It's hard to tell from the photos if you have any well-developed colas yet. I can tell it's an "old" plant,though, because some of the leaves are obviously losing their green and drying up a bit. The plant doesn't look "malnourished" to me, so I would stick to whatever feeding regimen you have applied so far until you decide to harvest it.