Help with clones! Healthy roots but looks awful!


So this is my first cloning attempt and i picked a rather hard strain (from what i have read) with Super Lemon Haze. It is 2 weeks from being cut today and has a strong root system that is growing by the minute but the rest of the plant looks awful. I really don't know if it is going to be worth it to keep it alive but with how much the roots are growing i don't want to kill it pre-maturely. So does this super lemon haze clone have a chance?


Active Member
It looks like nute burn. Even a very dilluted dose of nutes to a little clone like this could burn it. The leaves may have also dried out. Are you keeping them in a humidity dome? Make sure you are also checking the Ph of the water you soak your pete pellets in. It's possible that the plant will survive but it's yeild will be extremely compromised. I would just take a few more and try it again. From my experiance the haze strains have been pretty cooperative when it comes to cloning.
word, no pH meter, but i use tap water and that soil is an organic mix with no fert. i used a fishtank with plastic wrap to make a humidity dome...humidity was spot on but temp might of been too high round 85° at times. i just want to know if shes gonna make it to veg.
so i topped it, transplanted it into a pot as well, TONS of should i treat this like a clone still in regards to humidity and lower light? or can it just be under the HID?


New Member
to much water in your medium let soil dry out and only add water to soil do not spray anymore is what i would do i had clones with tons of roots gave them water little to much and they looked like that