Help with changing light times. Noob.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have a few questions about changing my light times.

My lights turn on at 5am and they turn off at 12am

I am wanting to change it so they are on during the night time because it's starting to warm up here and cooling might become a problem when it starts getting hotter.

What would be the best and less stressful way to go about doing this?

The plants are only about 2 weeks old.

Any suggestion would help! Thank you!


bud bootlegger
just leave them in the dark for an extended period of time untill your new on time comes around, at which time you can start your new schedule.. they will be fine doing so..


Well-Known Member
2 weeks old? if they healthy how about blasting 24 hours of light, then cut back on each end to get back to his 19 hour veg cycle?


Active Member
isn't 5am to 12am 7 hours am I the only 1 who noticed this

No I just realized its not I'm on the same light cycle :dunce::eyesmoke::bigjoint:


Active Member
I guess I'm too high also, I was thinking 7 hours until my wife explained it to me - whatever. Anyway, I was thinking an extended day would be better than extended night period as to not mess with hormones that are produced to induce fruiting when the dark cycle is 12 hours or more. Just a thought, but then again I'm high.


Well-Known Member
thank you guys for all the reply's I switched it so that lights turn on at 8PM and turn off at 2PM. and the temps have been a lot more easy to control.

and what Tokingtiger said..
Would it be better for them at 24/0?