Help with butter!!!

my "butter" has been refrigerated for well over 12 hours and it still hasn't become hard enough or separated enough from the water to pull it out of the bowl..not sure what to please! Thanks!!


Well-Known Member
no idea why he added water. maybe someone else can chime in and explain but i make a lot of edibles and never add any water at all to my butter. it SHOULD seperate and harden eventually though.


Well-Known Member
one problem i see possibly having would be having the THC settling to the bottom with the water. its deff heavier than butter. thats how bubble hash works.


Well-Known Member
give it some time, it has to harden up once cold. last time i did it i was surprised how long it took...


Active Member
put it in the freezer. as for tch settling i the water u couldnt be more wrong. thc will bond to the fat in the butter and has no ability to bond with water. i own one of if not the top edible company here in norcal and we make hundreds of cups of butter monthly. the purpose of the water is to clean the butter by removing impurities and left over plant matter. we dot he process of heating and freezing at least 3 time prior to baking with it. my butter is the cleanest greenest more potent butter around i promise. my strongest is 1lb of cannabis to 10 sticks of unsalted butter. try doin that without adding water lol


Staff member
Well guys.Butter has own importance in our life for keep fitness of the body
and health care.Butter give us good energy and protein.Mostly people use
the butter for build the muscles and mass gain.
LOL can you back up that butter is healthy please? where are you getting this ridiculous statements from?


Staff member
can u back up its not! look at whats in it and how your body uses it, then you decide.
butter is healthier then margarine but butter itself i do not believe is classified as healthy that being said do i think you shouldnt eat it? no. but malton's point is that it gives us energy and protein, and that we use butter to build muscles and mass gain, aside from mass gain i dont see how any of his points are real.
Butter is high in saturated fat which is a BAD fat, saturated fats increase the risk of heart disease by increasing your cholesterol levels, LDL which is the "bad" but dont even get me started that butter is made from animals and the animals in the usa are fed hormones, and that all together is ahorrible thing to put in your body , so unless youre buying butter straight from a non factory farm youre most likely imputting impurities into your body

Like i said i dont think butter is amazingly healthy for you as maltons quote suggests, but you dont have to go skipping butter on your toast every know and then, but its not particularly good for you either. REAL butter can be healthy, but the shit you buy from your factory farmed grocery store most likely is filled with shit and not real butter to begin with however thats awhole different ball game


Well-Known Member
butter is good for ya like cigarettes are.. just ask the American butter society and the tobacco industry

mmmmmmmmmm buttery cigs!!

Having literally made some from my males 10 minutes ago, with some potency I might add, I think I might be able to shed some light on the subject. Adding water allows excess plant material to fall to the bottom, which makes for a purer extract. You also need it when you boil your butter. This stops the butter from burning which would esentially ruin the batch. If it's not solidifying you could stick it in the freezer for a few. Checking on it periodically. Or it could be that it has been shuffled around some how or that you're checking it to often due to inpatients. I allow mine to sit in a clear container until I can see the separation and then move it into the fridge or freezer if I want it quickly. The butter should be darker then the water. Making cannabutter is very easy and simple. The key is to add water and don't burn it. I hoped this helped. Peace.
I ll tell u whats easiest for me and works like a charm...I just boil a pot of water then turn it on low...set a pyrex bowl ontop of the pot just to where its barely touchin the water..then melt ur butter and add your very well grinded material and maybe a little water, your choice, into the pyrex bowl...stir and mix well and just let all the goodness bined together...cook slow like this for six hrs stiring bout every 30mins to an hour..keep check on ur water in the pot as u may need to add more along the way..just bring it back to a gentle boil and continue cooking....a black/greenish liquid tar looking stuff is what youll have....when its done, strain it through cheese cloth into a bowl...strain every last drop of goodness but be warned it will be HOTT!...Set in the fridge and if u used water the thc will bind to the fat cells and all the nasty will stay in the water on the bottom...I myself use water cuz i think it provides a cleaner taste and plus its not a complete buttery mess when trying to strain it....Also make sure to use the highest fat content of butter u can find...I pesonally use Land O' Lakes unsalted sweet cream butter(best for baking sweet treats like cookies and brownies) vegetable spread is NNOO GOOD and may be why your budder didnt set well in a time span of 12hrs...just check ur grocery store for the highest fat content of real butter they have...i can put a half oz of some ole cheap reg weed in a stick of butter and make a batch of betty crockers and stay medicated for hours off 1-2 cookies...becarefull when eating may take 30mins to feel effects or it may take 2-3 hours so start slow at first then work ur way up :)
Happy Cooking!


Active Member
butter is good for you, but as someone said the butter we buy at the local shop is crap that is from corn fed cows. you need to get grass fed butter. grass fed butter has good fat in it like coconut oil. of course all in moderation but butter is good for you my grandma used to eat 2tsb a day every morning she was not fat and lived until 102 and had a lot of energy