help with bugs please


hi, can someone help me please? i`m a novice grower and i recently noticed this white dust-looking thing and seems from one day to the next it looks very ugly. where i live it`s common to use a biodegradable soap as a non-chemical alternative, so i just sprayed the hell out of my poor plant. first i sprayed it with just water to blow off all i could. i see advice to not get the buds wet but that is impossible for this baby. almost the whole plant is infested it looks, or at least like half. and it seems so close to harvest. is it able to be saved? thanks in advance.


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and it has spread to other plants, just a little.
Dr Zymes works on all soft bodies bugs and is safe to use at any stage. Even used late in flowering the buds won't test positive for it. That's the word anyway, I have no direct experience. The biggest issue is if the buds will dry out enough after spraying to keep mold from being an issue.
Dr Zymes works on all soft bodies bugs and is safe to use at any stage. Even used late in flowering the buds won't test positive for it. That's the word anyway, I have no direct experience. The biggest issue is if the buds will dry out enough after spraying to keep mold from being an issue.
thanks for respondin, i`ll look for that. meanwhile i have to see what`s available locally and looks like i`ll have to make my own neem oil. we have neem trees all over. the agriculture product stores sell some organic stuff they`re trying to tell me oil, i think one place had a garlic extract, also one with whatever it is that makes a chili pepper hot. and one had a mixture of different things, i think garlic and chili pepper and something else. i just covered the leaves in neem oil with soap and water (a friend gave me a little neem oil which is enough to last a long time probably). i got pretty good at using my hand to block it from spraying all over and only onto the leaf/leaves aimed at, so the buds might still have some bugs but i`ll try a bud wash i suppose to hopefully get the critters off, either that or i`ll be smoking bug eggs, yummy.
the damage has likely been done evident by new white pistils,lack of maturation and bulk
how long has it been flowering? greenhouse? outdoors? indoors?
any other known probs during growing?
Prevention steps are so worth it ....most people see no reason to treat perfectly healthy plants for bugs .....I learned my lesson a very very long time ago ....point being ....OP prevention is key for your next grow ....and I'd just order something online instead of making stuff......Neem oil, Azamax, and Captain Jacks have all done very good for me ....remember prevention.....GL
the damage has likely been done evident by new white pistils,lack of maturation and bulk
how long has it been flowering? greenhouse? outdoors? indoors?
any other known probs during growing?
i don`t keep such exact records. i should. but this plant was maybe like 3 weeks into flowering stage, maybe longer. it was just starting to get chubby. it only had like a week that it showed significant red-hair growth. i imagined it had a while to go still, at least a few more weeks. it`s growing outside in vermicompost+sugarcane stalk compost. i haven`t gotten into using any other nutrients really, except a npk 16-16-16 when i noticed some bottom leaves were getting pale, then i read that i shouldn`t have been adding nitrogen at that stage. i`m learning from my mistakes. it`s only my second grow. i did a pretty good job of getting the pests off and i got a decent enough magnifying glass and can see the trichomes aren`t amber yet. i`m just using seeds that were given to me by someone who buys bags of whatever is available from illegal huge grows in the countryside. so that might also be why my buds don`t get so bushy and lush like what i see others growing. anyway, thanks for your observation. after harvest i`ll use that magfifying glass to see if the buds aren`t full of bugs or bug eggs. i`m hoping they prefer the leaves, and i only had that problem on a couple of the smaller lower buds.
Prevention steps are so worth it ....most people see no reason to treat perfectly healthy plants for bugs .....I learned my lesson a very very long time ago ....point being ....OP prevention is key for your next grow ....and I'd just order something online instead of making stuff......Neem oil, Azamax, and Captain Jacks have all done very good for me ....remember prevention.....GL
thanks, on my next (third) grow i`ll definitely prevent. and by then i should have made enough errors to learn from and hopefully not repeat.
this is the plant just before i noticed the problem. it was full of white pistils. not near ready to harvest. like i said, i don`t record dates.


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this is from sept.19 after i sprayed the whole plant down with the hose then applied soap and water with a spray bottle. i plan to rinse the buds to get the soap off later. what worried me was that afterwards all the white pistils were gone! and that was my only way of judging ripeness cuz i still didn`t have a magnifying glass. well i have one now and on another website (cuz i was deperate and looked for help on other pages too) someone told me to not worry about the pistils, to just see the trichomes, rinse after harvest and hope for the best. i`ll try to find a more recent pic or i`ll take a new one. but the plant now has lost many many lower leaves due to yellowing. that same thing happened on my first grow and the buds are great. it ended up looking pretty ...well absolutely the opposite of bushy, however you`d say that, just the buds and some small leaves, but no bigger leaves at all, and not very dense buds but like i say the weed is good and smells and tastes great.


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some of those last pics might look like there is a white rot going on, but it`s just the photo. if you zoom in it`s actually bright white trichomes i think. no rot. plant looks very clean actually, just no white hairs anymore, but the trichomes seem totally intact.
three weeks flowering? most photo strains I know of take at least
8 weeks to finish.
you really should read some grow bibles if this is important to you. Basics like
proper feeding and watering are covered in early chapters of most. Your pests may
just be another symptom of bad habits. Most issues are easily avoided with proper garden habits. Pot Books/
Whiteflies are beatable. Takes vigilance but beatable.
Insecticidal soap will get rid of them without the harshness of detergents or chemicals.
It's made from potassium fatty acids. It's pretty cheap too.
I wouldn't use household or dish soap.
i shouldn`t have said it was close to harvest. what i should have said is that it was already well into it`s budding stage, from my little knowledge i didn`t think the buds would get any bigger, for instance. bulkier but not bigger/fatter,just more dense hopefully. i have no idea what i`m growing so i have no idea how many weeks it needs to finish. i`ve read a lot actually, and one thing was just that, that different strains can take X or Y number of weeks to finish up, which doesn`t help me at all since i don`t know the strain. but my magnifying glass in the mail on the way, and even with a 20x jewelers lens i`m getting a pretty good look at the trichs. strains my eyes a bit, but i think i`m seeing pretty well that the trichomes (heads even) are not ambar. can`t get close enough to see the ratio of clear:cloudy, but pretty sure no ambar, or maybe a few on some leaves, which made me research what part of the plant to be looking at. i appreciate your tips, thanks.
"]three weeks flowering? most photo strains I know of take at least
8 weeks to finish.
you really should read some grow bibles if this is important to you. Basics like
proper feeding and watering are covered in early chapters of most. Your pests may
just be another symptom of bad habits. Most issues are easily avoided with proper garden habits.
Whiteflies are beatable. Takes vigilance but beatable.
Insecticidal soap will get rid of them without the harshness of detergents or chemicals.
It's made from potassium fatty acids. It's pretty cheap too.
I wouldn't use household or dish soap.
i`m definitely using the right soap. i have an expert helping me with that part. i live in a rural part of a third world country so i don`t have garden centers down the street, ha ha. just these many many stores that sell products for farming, including insecticides both chemical and then organic stuff like i said, extracts...garlic, soy, chili pepper, and others that have been recommended to me but i can`t tell these people what i`m growing. i`ve read that for cannabis you can use different home remedies and some of these extracts i think i`ve read are options. but i got my hands on some need oil and applied it to at least the leaves. also i took a small paint brush and brushed every last leaf except the smaller ones near buds, to not damage the trichs. took me forever cuz i have more than one plant. but i got them all brushed, hosed down (only real pressure on the one plant where this problem started) and they`re looking and smelling delicious! i`ll share pics of the results for you very kind people who have taken the time to help me here.
here`s an interesting fact i never read but advice i got from an expert. here people often have to come up with their own remedies for things since, one, there`s a lot of poverty, and two, we`re very isolated and it`s not so easy to get your hands on things and for the same reason they`re even more expensive when you do. but this is what i`ve learned...
these whiteflies love the color yellow, a standard yellow, not pale, almost on a darker side yellow, a little brighter than a standard yellow. anyway, you take anything yellow or paint things yellow (paper/plastic plate is what i was recommended) put them in a clear plastic bag and coat it with vegetable oil. when it gets covered in bugs, change the bag. also stips of yellow plastic and put veg.oil on them.
Whiteflies are beatable. Takes vigilance but beatable.
Insecticidal soap will get rid of them without the harshness of detergents or chemicals.
It's made from potassium fatty acids. It's pretty cheap too.
I wouldn't use household or dish soap.

Dish soap doesn't hurt a thing ...lots of people use it as a wetting agent for foliar applications....I normally use Dawn ...but if I'm out of that il use whatever's around with absolutely no issue.
I had a whitefly problem, but not to the point where they were doing any damage to the plants. They feed on decaying matter (root tips).
I added HydroGuard to my water which helps "eat" decaying matter. Since the flies are attracted to my led light, I hung two of those
sticky strips you pull out of a tube and hang. I hung two of them next to my led light panel. Within one day it was standing room only on those sticky strips! Also, if you have a drip pan, clean it of stains and debris often. They seem to congregate near the bottom of the outside of the pot where the vent holes are. Lastly, let your soil potted plant dry out thoroughly. Stick your moisture meter way down towards the bottom and you'll see it's still wet down there. Let it get drier. Your soil towards the top may dry out, but your plants won't mind. It took me only two days to eradicate all of them.
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i`m definitely using the right soap. i have an expert helping me with that part. i live in a rural part of a third world country so i don`t have garden centers down the street, ha ha. just these many many stores that sell products for farming, including insecticides both chemical and then organic stuff like i said, extracts...garlic, soy, chili pepper, and others that have been recommended to me but i can`t tell these people what i`m growing. i`ve read that for cannabis you can use different home remedies and some of these extracts i think i`ve read are options. but i got my hands on some need oil and applied it to at least the leaves. also i took a small paint brush and brushed every last leaf except the smaller ones near buds, to not damage the trichs. took me forever cuz i have more than one plant. but i got them all brushed, hosed down (only real pressure on the one plant where this problem started) and they`re looking and smelling delicious! i`ll share pics of the results for you very kind people who have taken the time to help me here.
That's awesome man. Sometimes here in the US and especially Oregon we take for granted that growing is as easy as going to the store for supplies.
Keep up the good work!