Help with budding plants, Growing with AeroGarden


Well-Known Member
okie dokie.. wahs goin on my fellow growers... im in some need of advice

Ive been growing the AG for since january.. my first crop was ALL MALEs which really sucked... but my new crop has three thriving females...

I had a journal going (see my signature) but it kinda fell off because ive been really busy... but any heres the scoop

3 plants growing the AG, i beieve thier 6 weeks old, i could be off by a week... the one far right is doing the best... the buds are filling in nice and getting bigger everyday... the smaller one in the middle went through a crisis... long story short, the whole top of the plant got chopped off by accident, and there are just 4 branches that are growing potential bud.... thinking very hard on chopping the whole thing down to focus my light on the other 2...

the plant on the left is the tricky one.... when i added more lights, i had 1 42watt warm and 3 26 watt cool lights on this particular plant.... i have concluded that the cool light made the leaves grow bigger, and it has hundreds of hairs around the cola itself, but the buds arent really growing!!!!

my question, should i give the buds more time to fill in? or is there something i am doing wrong? i currently have 4 26watt warm cfls over top of it, and 2 26 watt warm, and 1 42 watt warm over the other plant...

im pretty sure i have enuff light, but should i start trimming off fan leaves around the top, so my buds can reap the benefits of the warm light?

any advice would be helpful, i have pics at the bottom, a little blurry, but you can see what im talking bout...thanks



Well-Known Member
looking good .. just give them time ,,,I too was frustrated with the waiting part ... But your doing good wait em out ... Good luck


Well-Known Member
im waiting now my self im about 6 weeks in aswel just added sum more lights this morning so ill see if this will make a difference in the next few weeks