Help with 125w cfl


Well-Known Member
Hey this is my first grow and i am using a 125w cfl and just have it hanging from its cord, And i need to no would it be ok for the actual bulb can be hung both sides of it? My idea is to still hang it from the cord but i want it to be flat side to the plants and i am wondering could a i hold up the bulb side of the light with a wire hanger? I find it hard to explain so if you dont understand i will do a doigramm


Well-Known Member
Get some hemp twine to hold the bulb horizontally over your plants, I believe that using the wire could be bad


Well-Known Member
ITs ok i got some and using it now and works fine but putts a bit of pressure on i side of the light soi tied the other end up to the top end :D


Well-Known Member
I cant afford one yet but in a few weeks i will be gettin a 600w hps light with a reflector and some other nutes and other supplies for growing that i aint got now.. This is just my first grow if i get a half oz of weed per plant i will be happy.. And with 1 125w cfl and 2 22w and 2 11w cf'ls id say i will have no prob with that..