Help with 10-3-1 guano tea prep and schedule

So im doin an outdoor grow up here in the PNW (not ideal but..) and im using a mix of ffof and happy frog with some added perlite. Well the growth was explosive for a month but the plant are about 4 ft tall and only have about 1.5-2 cuft per plant, so I decided to nute with high nitrogen before flowering starts, used about 2 tbs in 1 gallon, strained it, and gave it all to one plant. She responded well, tho growth didnt return to its normal rate..

So should I go with more (3-4 tbs) per gallon? Could i just up the dose every watering until the tips burn? Ive heard of ppl doin this but it sounds risky I only have 6 good babies.

According to the box its about 3 tbs per gallon, then only using 2 cups of the tea

Also, should i be mulching the strained out guano into the soil? What kind of topdress would be good for 4 ft plant, maybe 1-2 tbs on top of the soil with a normal watering? I wouldnt be so gunshy but the nitrogen rating is ten.. pretty high and i def dont want any toxicity problems.



Well-Known Member
Everybody's got their own opinions on how to ffed their plants. Since you are asking for advice, heres what I think. I say first use the whole tea instead of 2 cups. If that doenst get you where you wanna be, Up the dose per gallon slowly. Very slowly. One day your gonna see the the type of growth that you want or burn. But I say take it slow with upping the guano but thats only after you conclude that the whole gallon doesnt help you
Cool thx man, yea the 2 cups reccomended ended up treatin em good, but growth wasnt increasing, no burn but no acceleration, so yea ill up it very slowly and see how it goes, im almost to flowering now so i gotta switch to bigbloom/tiger bloom soon anyway

thx again