HELP! Wife against idea of me having a grow room..


Active Member
My wife, who is a casual smoker, is completely AGAINST the idea of me having a grow room in our house. I have pleaded and begged her, but for she refuses to consent to the idea of me having a grow room. I am extremely upset by this and am even considering leaving her over this. What do I do?


Well-Known Member
My wife, who is a casual smoker, is completely AGAINST the idea of me having a grow room in our house. I have pleaded and begged her, but for she refuses to consent to the idea of me having a grow room. I am extremely upset by this and am even considering leaving her over this. What do I do?
If you love your wife then respect her wishes. If you're considering leaving her for not consenting to the idea then I doubt there is much love there anyway.


Well-Known Member
jeez, ur gonna leave the woman u love over not getting a grow room?id suggest drug conseling.


Well-Known Member
Either be more persuasive or respect her wishes. Seems silly to consider leaving the woman you married over a fucking grow op.


Well-Known Member
look up ur laws and see what can really happen in ur area... depending where u live and how much, u could face time or lose ur house if caught(hopefully thats not the case).... print, highlite and show her... make a chart explaining how much $$$ will be saved a mnth... or u could always divorce her... ahhah, im jus buggin!!! what about renting an appartment and doin it there with out her knowing??? not sure if u can aford it or not... perhaps find sum good threads on here that can convince her like oder controll, harvest potential and so on and so , then get her to read them... also have a full game plan as to ur room, and what u wanna do with it that way its all on the table b4 hand.. this will help u later down the road as well that way ur not like"now what??" or "fuk, i should have included this" ya dig??? dont get me wrong ur plans can change at anytime but try to stick to ur original plan that ur wife feels comfortable with and then rearange or upgrade after the first run... u gotta think, she doesnt really know whats gonna ur home work and present ur case!!!


Well-Known Member
smack her into her senses.. its what i had to do.. but not with a hand, but rather coerce her into the idea with strong logic.. y pay money? its easy.. i like it.. do u really love me? i have one life and ur gonna lock doors for me? i can't b my own person? back the fuck off.. ya know anything like that usually works..

happy... uh future.. growing


Well-Known Member
d00d. If you leave her over are making a dumb choice.

But see if you cannot compromise and get a grow closet. Unless you were planning on being a "weed baron". I can completely side with her if you are hoping to become a commercial grower. That shiite can cost you your house in a heartbeat if you are in an illegal state.


Well-Known Member
Either be more persuasive or respect her wishes. Seems silly to consider leaving the woman you married over a fucking grow op.
agreed but its not jus a grow op.. its a hobby, a dream, a way to spend a day, a much more enjoyable smoke, sumthin to be proud of... dont get me wrong, i dont encourage leaving her over this but its the princable behind it... i can see if u wanna do like 8k of lights and such but if its a personal op, whats the big deal???


Active Member
Well, I think I was being a little extreme over leaving her, but we have been having issues lately. Why Im really upset is because we just bought a new home, and I told her that I was interested in building this grow room in the new home we would purchase. She was fine with it at first, but I guess she didn't think I was serious. Now that the time has come, she is starting to flip out. I'm just pissed is all.


Well-Known Member
and it does smell up the house. It just does.
not always.. depending on where ur room is located in the house, ur vent system, amounts of plants and strain... carbon filters outside... good way to contain smell is in a ten vented outside... u cant smell anything in my house and its in my basement and covered in nugs.. an upstairs room would stink ur house less..


Active Member
d00d. If you leave her over are making a dumb choice.

But see if you cannot compromise and get a grow closet. Unless you were planning on being a "weed baron". I can completely side with her if you are hoping to become a commercial grower. That shiite can cost you your house in a heartbeat if you are in an illegal state.

No, This is simply a small closet grow with 4 plants! I have a good paying job and would not even consider becoming a week baron. Im just tired of buying weed from dealers. Hell, I nearly got shot the last time i tried to buy from a dealer. Now I have someone get it for me and the shyt is expensive as hell. And to top it all off, the quality is azz! I want to grow my own weed so that I can have access to quality bud for little. Plus, Ive really become interested in growing and am now wanting to expand my indoor growing to fruits and veggies.

Im just pissed.


Well-Known Member
Well, I think I was being a little extreme over leaving her, but we have been having issues lately. Why Im really upset is because we just bought a new home, and I told her that I was interested in building this grow room in the new home we would purchase. She was fine with it at first, but I guess she didn't think I was serious. Now that the time has come, she is starting to flip out. I'm just pissed is all.
like i said in my post, do ur homework and present the case.. if u have actual facts ur gonna get better resaults.. and do a small scale op so she know what to expect.. then move up if shes comfortable with it... go as lil as u can get, jus get it up and she may change her mind after she sees what its all about.. as long as u can get even 1 plant in there, it can make all the difference down the road.. 1 plant may seem pointless but hey, its experince for u and her.... wont be poinless a yr from now when she allows the 1000k in the house


Well-Known Member
my bird had a problem, I just went and done it anyway.
I'm the one with the trousers in my house.
when she smokes my chronic I tell her how she benifiting.