Help! Whats Wrong With My Plants?


Well-Known Member
Mazand... Take ur bullshit else where ... Hookie bud and I ... And everybody on this thread resolved our issues .... So there is no need for a capitan save a hoe dude... Fuck off honestly


Well-Known Member
Mazand... Take ur bullshit else where ... Hookie bud and I ... And everybody on this thread resolved our issues .... So there is no need for a capitan save a hoe dude... Fuck off honestly

i stopped being captain save a hoe last thursday, i heard your mom got a job at walmart and i dont see her sellin herself no

ok im glad u guys worked it out, peace


Well-Known Member
The problem is ffof I've been having the same problems! I give up of ffof and going back to the way I grew before it was legal and all these grow shop pop open in mi. I grew in all rock wool!!! My last 3 post was different grow with this same problems low ph?


Active Member
Yea phox farm tends to be slightly acidic i have used it with no problems but then again i have always tested my PH if you make the mistake of not always testing with FFOF you will run into this problem, easily fixed by mixing 5 cups FFOF with 1 cup dolomite lime, 1 cup perlite (perlite is optional), and you will not run into this problem

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
It's because FFOF uses oyster shells instead of dolomite... I deff think the oyster shells don't work as well with buffering the PH.

Ant Grows Dank

Active Member
Yeah thats why my shit's been fucked up, I need to get my stoner ass up and go get some dolomite so I can fix these huskers lol.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats why my shit's been fucked up, I need to get my stoner ass up and go get some dolomite so I can fix these huskers lol.
I used the Soil Doctor lawn lime from lowe's. giving then 3 tbs every watering or feeding didn't help much ph is still 5.8=6.1 So I put a whole cup of lime mix in the soil so next time I feed their'll get. It hasn't hurt and I probably gave them 3/4 of a cup so far. A cup in a 5 gallon pot it little more than 3 tbs a gallon so I hope that it will raise it!!


here is an update. 6 weeks old, [vegged for 5 weeks, 1 week into flowering]
i gave each one a tbs dolomite lime w/ water. and i bought a cheap ph kit. the autos say they should be done in 6-8 weeks so im getting excited.

let me know what u think!

