Help whats this!?


hey this is a clone of sour and has been vegging for about 2 1/2 weeks under 6 cfls. there is black in the middle of this leaf and this leaf only. any advice? thanks



Well-Known Member
Post this in the Marijuana plant problems thread.
Also when you post there please give the ppl lots of info about your grow.

Cause sour under 6 cfl's aint gonna cut people helping you out.


Well-Known Member
no clue but i need to stick around, what causes good color, deep green very vibrant plant. unless to many thing to account for.


less than 6 inches away and 2 side lights on each side. about every 3 days i water 1cup with liquid karma, cal/mag but thats every other water she gets nutes. i thought it was nute burn but its only on that leaf


Well-Known Member
I noticed the purple stems and viens,what temp is it in the room? are the leaves curling at all? first check your soil ph then the ppms of the water you use without the nutes,could be a cal- mag lockout.


Active Member
no sir i have some i was thinking about using it right before i swap to flowering mode
aw well thought i could be too high concentrate foiler feed but thats out the window. u sure its jus 1 leaf coz id say mag def but im sure it would show on more than 1 leaf. some ppl may agree, some ppl will not but id cut the fucker off. just incase it is a disease and in hope it doesnt spread. thats just me though, u dont have to take my advise m8