help!whats happening? first grow


i'm growing them(yes i know it horrible) on miracle grow, no nutients added and watering them everyother day about cup and half with a measured cup, the light im using is a hps 250w ...they started doing the same thing i thought it was ph problem so i repotted and now hold a ph lvl of 5.9-6.1 i finally gave in and i am asking for help!Picture 004.jpgPicture 006.jpgPicture 003.jpgPicture 005.jpgPicture 002.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ph is still a little low for soil. Try closer to 6.5. I bet it's just a ph issue overall that's what the curling/deformed leaves could mean. The deformity won't go away but the new growth should be better. Try a little lime mixed into the soil or watered in on top, this should help buffer the ph


Active Member
first of all miracle gro isnt horrible. second ^ he's right your ph is a bit low. after youve adjusted it you may not notice any difference until new leaves appear. but it could be a range of different things: moisture, watering, nutes, etc. id start with adjusting ph.