Help What type of Plant is this(first grow) unknown seed

Hello to all fellow smokers / growers.

Need some help with identifying plant, its almost 3ft 6in tall. and I believe 3rd-4th week flowering. This is easy to grow thats for sure, people said it was so technical\hard. Ive been using mg 15-30-15 for flowering fert. I think it looks ok. Just worried about how big its going to get.

Any help would be appreciated.


Yeah I measured it the other day at 3ft 3 in so my fence is only 6ft. Do you think the buds are ok, they seem small to me? I can post more pics if needed. I know some people say no trimming but ive noticed a great deal in bud growth since removing leaves covering buds.


Active Member
Don't cut while flowering it puts to much stress on her. Right now you are flowering, it will fill in and swell up. probably 4-6 weeks left.


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Howard Stern
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Jul 2010

I am positive it is a marijuana plant.