HELP:)What type of bong may this be?? HELP PLEASE :)


Active Member
Hello everyone, i bought a bong at my local head shop, I was going to get a RooR but changed my mind because iv had one before so I wanted to try something new. I was told its an AMG but I cant find it anywhere online so I have done my research, i know you guys here at RIU will help a brotha out. Anyway here are a couple pics I did buy a seprate ash cather for it. the original bowl is green. thanks all help is greatly appriciated! :)



Well-Known Member
lol looks like a double perc. if thats not what u mean plz explain wat u mean

*** wow i cant beleive i said that lol sorry im blitzed and diddnt read it all they way lol


Well-Known Member
simple search yields: its chinese glass blanks assembled in america. looks cool, but hope you didnt pay too much.

refernce: tokecity and a bunch of other forums.


New Member
I have the exact same one. I've had it 3 years now, awesome smoothe smoke, and I smoke ALOT of hash. Isopropl to clean the perkalators. Fill about 2-3 bottles of 70% iso in the neck and let it sit. Itll perk down into the 2nd chamber, just takes time and patience to clean.


Active Member
I paid 280 for the bong itself, but let me tell ya its worth it. Sooooooo smooth no burn what so ever NASTY rips. and the ash cather was 50