Help, what is this?


Active Member
Hey guys, a friend of mine has asked me to help out with his two plants and I'm really not sure what the problem is or if it is just a particular strain.

It's a hydro dwc grow and he has 2 plants on the go. They look ok in the sense that they are a good colour green but there are two problems I think.

These were grown from seeds and the only way to describe the leaves are cabbage leaves. They are really thick leaves that appear as only 3 leaf but in fact are 7 just 3 are huge and the others are tiny. The stem on one has also gone flimsy all of a sudden, started out thick and solid but has then grown into a thin weak thing.

any help on if there is a problem would be greatly appreciated!!

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Well-Known Member
Wtf? You guys smoking kale?

I don't know about the big leaves but they are stressed a bit.. humidity too low? Or nutrients to strong?


Well-Known Member
I've seen a couple big leaves like that, but not a whole plant, wow. What are you feeding? Humidity? Water level? Big weird leaves usually means too much water


Active Member
Well obviously it's a hydro grow, he just has 2 separate dwc bubble buckets. I'm certain he is using the genesis formula 3 part nutrients (have used myself before and got great great results) the temperature is controlled and is constantly around 25 degrees and humidity around 30/40 %. He tells me these are from seed that another friend of his germinated and passed them on to him once the roots had sprouted through the rock wool and that they have had these leaves ever since. As far as I can tell all new growth is coming through the same

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Active Member
Thankfully my babies look much healthier and happier lol but I'm no expert n when he asked me to have a look I'll be honest I was a little lost lol

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Active Member
He's running them under the recommended chart for the formula. At this stage it recommends the ec to be 1.6 he is running it at 1.4

I'm not sure what that translates to as ppm as he has a meter that only reads EC

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Well-Known Member
Tell your "friend" to back of the nutrients a lot. That's a pretty high ec for those plants. They aren't that big yet. Good luck with your plants, sorry I mean your friends plants. My bad.


Active Member
Not sure why your saying that cause these aren't my plants :) had they been I would have asked for help with MY plants. These are my plants.

And I get that the ec is a little high BUT these have been like this since the start and he done a good 2 weeks with just risotonic water and minimal nutrients, they have just grown like this. I considered perhaps an odd strain but these are the exact same strain from the same seeds as my lot.

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Well-Known Member
Not sure why your saying that cause these aren't my plants :) had they been I would have asked for help with MY plants. These are my plants.

And I get that the ec is a little high BUT these have been like this since the start and he done a good 2 weeks with just risotonic water and minimal nutrients, they have just grown like this. I considered perhaps an odd strain but these are the exact same strain from the same seeds as my lot.

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Nice plants, teach your friend how to grow then.


Active Member
Well if I'm honest I don't know what he's done wrong, I've checked everything he's done. Double checked his ph and ec. Flushed them for him and they still seem to be growing like this. It's hard to tell on the photos as they look crisp hut the actual leaves and stems are very healthy looking. They have a nice feel to them and aside from the odd one here and there they are a nice colour green. Unfortunately his light was on when he sent me the pics tonight. But it's the same strain growing using the same formula. The only difference is I have mine in a recirculating system he has 2 separate bubble pots but the conditions are pretty close to being the same. Just don't get why his look like cabbages and mine well at this stage so far are the best looking plants I've had

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Oh also on the ec, our tap water is actually 0.6 so there isn't as much nutrients added as it appears!

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Active Member
Lol when I saw it I just immediately thought the same thing lol. So weird man I've never seen a plant like it lol

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Active Member
Hopefully someone might have an idea of what it might be! Must be a problem somewhere, just so strange that all the new growth is coming through the same. The leaves are like seriously think too, like massive amazon leaves

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Well-Known Member
Well if I'm honest I don't know what he's done wrong, I've checked everything he's done. Double checked his ph and ec. Flushed them for him and they still seem to be growing like this. It's hard to tell on the photos as they look crisp hut the actual leaves and stems are very healthy looking. They have a nice feel to them and aside from the odd one here and there they are a nice colour green. Unfortunately his light was on when he sent me the pics tonight. But it's the same strain growing using the same formula. The only difference is I have mine in a recirculating system he has 2 separate bubble pots but the conditions are pretty close to being the same. Just don't get why his look like cabbages and mine well at this stage so far are the best looking plants I've had

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Did you check his PPM/PH with his meters or with your own meters (or chemical test for PH)?

People commonly make the mistake of trusting their meters. Take your meters with you on the next visit, double check with them.

I have 2 PPM meters, 1 PH meter, and a chemical PH test for this reason..


Active Member
Actually nomofatum I am the same as you and considered it might be his equipment so I took both my digital pens and solutions to triple check and all are exactly the same!

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Well-Known Member
Couldn't this just be a genetic trait. 1 in 1000 will grow some weird shit? Or that doesn't happen to plants DNA? I have some bagseed that sprouts weird shit like twisty self-topping nodes, and weird amazon leaves with leaflets larger than my hand like a banana.
edit: I never assumed anything I did was responsible, I am rather particular and tidy. Just weird genetics I was assuming.
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