HELP! What is this?


Active Member
:confused: Can someone please tell me what the problem is with my plants? Both plants are under the same conditions, but show different symptoms.

Both are 8 weeks old and outdoor. I give it 3-1-1 ferts once a week, I water it 2-3 times a week, temperature nowadays is around 18-26 celsius, and it's gets 4-5 hours of morning sun everyday.

The leaves are sagging because I just finished watering them and it was in the late afternoon when I took these pics. I also started spraying them with pesticides for 2 weeks now. Can someone tell me what this is? :-?



Well-Known Member
Mites most likely, and the other, probably the result of whatever you sprayed on them. Did you spray during the day? Spraying should always be done in the morning or night, so as not to burn the plants. At least that's what always worked for me.


Active Member
Mites most likely, and the other, probably the result of whatever you sprayed on them. Did you spray during the day? Spraying should always be done in the morning or night, so as not to burn the plants. At least that's what always worked for me.
First of all, thanks for the reply. I think thats what happened with the 2nd plant, I spray in the late afternoon now. Mites? Damn, I didn't know plants have mites. So far, the spray is doing well, but I keep seeing brown lady bugs hanging around buds of the first plant (yellow holes) a couple of days after spraying. I hear that lady bugs are good because the eat other bugs/flies, but can they mess up your plant too? I pluck 'em out anyway.

Another question, if you don't mind is, since I'm growing outdoors and my plant is around other plants/weeds, can pollen from other plants mess up my baby? I can't weed out the other plants/weeds around my plants because my plant will be in full view (yikes). The other plants act as camo. Thanks again! :joint:


Well-Known Member
The plant that is canning its leaves needs mg. Add some epsom salts to ur next watering.
Lady bugs are good 99.9% of the time. I had the one kind indoors that loved to eat plants. There are over 6000 different kinds, only a handfull will eat plants. most likely they were hanging around ur plants to eat what was eating them.
Pollen from other plants will not mess up ur plant.


Active Member
The plant that is canning its leaves needs mg. Add some epsom salts to ur next watering.
Lady bugs are good 99.9% of the time. I had the one kind indoors that loved to eat plants. There are over 6000 different kinds, only a handfull will eat plants. most likely they were hanging around ur plants to eat what was eating them.
Pollen from other plants will not mess up ur plant.
Thanks man, i'll keep them ladybugs on there then. :-o