HELP: what is this?


Active Member
I'm on day 8 and everything is going great except for a few problems.

First, the setup
-42w 6500k CFLs. I was using two bulbs with three plants under each but now I have three bulbs with two plants under each.
-Half Fox Farms Ocean Fresh Half organic seed starter dirt and maybe 25% perlite
-First 5 days or so I gave them about .5oz each of water every day. Now I'm giving them 2oz every 3 days. pH of the water is about 6.5

This first thing appeared a few days ago. It didn't get worse except the first couple days the brown spots weren't there then over the next couple days they appeared.

It's second set of leaves are growing in really weird too. I know it looks like they are curled up and dying but they aren't.

Now this second thing appeared today on another plant. This morning the plant was fine then I went to check on it 12 hours later and it looked like this.

Any ideas?