
Well-Known Member
I've got one plant that is forming flowers all over it. nice ones too ... they are still whitning and growing but I noticed these when I went to check on them today ... they have the trademark two hairs coming out but are a very peculiar shape to me... did I hermie her when I switched from vegging to flowerting nutes? :( it be a shame cause it is my favorite
anyways I am going to be doing plenty of online research today I guess..( raining here today so stuck indoors anyways )but figured throw this out to the professinals on here while I do...cut down on my having to stay clear minded time ;)
thanks in advance for any suggestions .



Well-Known Member
Yur all good. That's an older female preflower is all. Not a hermie part.

I sure hope you are right...I am having conflicting suggestions and being a first timer ..I am hoping I am doing it right... and I figured that when I seen it but am soooo scared ikt will affect the others ... hopefully ur right and I have just been losing out on those ones.. cause I will be honest after I took these pics I picked them off and threw em into a fire .. I may have lost some lower buds but I was afraid for the top ones.. now I may just leave em alone.. I DONT KNOW !!! its too big to just relocate..cant be stalthy going through town with
Thank whybother... I hopes your right .


Well-Known Member
@ nicve ol bud ... thanks first timer so maybe beginners luck but I have spent sooooo much time online during last few months ..reading .. hopefully it will pay off ..
and your right ..outdoors is much happier places for my girlies (I pray) to grow up .not allowed inside ..wife murder me :P


Active Member
I sure hope you are right...I am having conflicting suggestions and being a first timer ..I am hoping I am doing it right... and I figured that when I seen it but am soooo scared ikt will affect the others ... hopefully ur right and I have just been losing out on those ones.. cause I will be honest after I took these pics I picked them off and threw em into a fire .. I may have lost some lower buds but I was afraid for the top ones.. now I may just leave em alone.. I DONT KNOW !!! its too big to just relocate..cant be stalthy going through town with
Thank whybother... I hopes your right .
If it's got pistils( hairs) sticking out, it is a female. rest assured that is just a pre-calyx ( flower) you are golden my friend.


Well-Known Member
If its a hermie, you could tell. Those are just some female parts that have had some time to grow and swell, giving them that round appearance.


Well-Known Member
Thanks Everyone for the ease of mind..I think she'll :weed: get to live for at least a bit longer anyways,,I'm still gonna keep close eye on it tho .. and "" when in doubt whip her out"" lol
Thanks again for the feedback tho much appreciated.. On a side note ...I am feeding them magic bloom for the flowering stage... with a touch of molasses and some of my goats " waste" as a food . It sits for two days "fermenting " ,,( we are well water no no need to worry about tap water. )then I just pour straight onto roots ..
Think this will be enough for them or should I change that now before I get too far into flowering..its been 2-3 weeks flower stage now . thanks in advance.
I just want to acknowledge...I have gotten more correct help on this site than not ...and AM SO thanks ful I signed up ... RIU ROCKS . thnks guys.(Opps sorry ...and gals :) )


Well-Known Member
If it's got pistils( hairs) sticking out, it is a female. rest assured that is just a pre-calyx ( flower) you are golden my friend.

Well I went to see them today and I thinks I am more scared than ever....I looked at same pods as in pic and it still only got the two hairs out of it and they have turned dark brown ... also there is no more hairs growing out of that pod.. the top of the plant has hairs still forming but not the banana shaped ones... do preflowers brown up before the rest come out... I sure hope thanks in advance



Well-Known Member
Well I went to see them today and I thinks I am more scared than ever....I looked at same pods as in pic and it still only got the two hairs out of it and they have turned dark brown ... also there is no more hairs growing out of that pod.. the top of the plant has hairs still forming but not the banana shaped ones... do preflowers brown up before the rest come out... I sure hope thanks in advance

that will happen on calyx's hairs are burnt-die
males are gonna generally show the sacs on the older branches to the top.. bear the Y portion of a plant.. I will allow the plants to form larger sacs (but not open) just to confirm.. it is hard to tell sometimes esp when your new to this... or have only seen fem plants..


Well-Known Member
that will happen on calyx's hairs are burnt-die
males are gonna generally show the sacs on the older branches to the top.. bear the Y portion of a plant.. I will allow the plants to form larger sacs (but not open) just to confirm.. it is hard to tell sometimes esp when your new to this... or have only seen fem plants..[/QUOTE
So you still thinks I good ...I am scared to wits end all hard work for none... f%k it ... so late in year now... we'll either be smoking herb or seed...please weed gods .. help a fella :P


Well-Known Member
dude they look fine.From the close up pics my eyes see 100% female parts.If your still worried post some more close up pics on the parts your think are male.


Well-Known Member
that will happen on calyx's hairs are burnt-die
males are gonna generally show the sacs on the older branches to the top.. bear the Y portion of a plant.. I will allow the plants to form larger sacs (but not open) just to confirm.. it is hard to tell sometimes esp when your new to this... or have only seen fem plants..
I let them go a little longer but it does seem as tho they are getting bulkier and bulkier but no hairs... it has the original two but since then notta .... the new growth is still shooting out white hairs but they are browning on the tips...;( I thinks I may have procrastinated too long...) and now they got pollenated...
I took a few new pics tonight hopefully someone can tell ... 20120804_121320.jpg20120730_194751.jpg20120730_194919.jpg20120730_194941.jpg20120730_195005.jpg20120730_195010.jpg20120730_195013.jpg20120730_195441.jpg20120730_195501.jpg


Well-Known Member
Lol troll thread
WTF is a troll thread ? If nothing positive or helpful to say f*k off. I'm new to this ... got a short term attention span( due to thc) and paranoid...if thats trolling then so be it,,,but no one asked you that did they... thnks for nutting...
All I ask is a question.... and I got answers and I'm thinking they some of them might have been wrong .. or maybe not...just like other opinons too. gfy


Well-Known Member
Hey pickle, you need to chill. That plant is 100% female. Just relax and let her do her thing.


Well-Known Member
WTF is a troll thread ? If nothing positive or helpful to say f*k off. I'm new to this ... got a short term attention span( due to thc) and paranoid...if thats trolling then so be it,,,but no one asked you that did they... thnks for nutting...
All I ask is a question.... and I got answers and I'm thinking they some of them might have been wrong .. or maybe not...just like other opinons too. gfy

Sorry to get you upset. Seems like the amount of THC that causes ADD might not be enough to call Chillaxicity.

Troll means it sounds like its a fake question and I don't mean to demean you in anyway. It's just that the internet is chock full of advice for ABSOLUTE beginners and, not to sound condescending, if you don't know what a female part looks like you are an absolute beginner.

I hope I didn't upset you too bad. I legitimately thought you were a board veteran fucking around. All the information you want are available in beginning books and websites.

Looks good though. Here's to a good harvest! :weed: