Help Week 6 Flower/yellowing fan leaves


Hi guys, need a little assistance because im starting to worry about my buds and general health issue. About 4 days ago some of the "UPPER" fan leaves started turning yellowish!
Please see pics below!
First pic, you will see the 2 bigger fan leaves to the bottome left hand corner, which have started turning yellow!
The rest of the pics are an overall view, to help along plus 2 bud shots for the hell of it!:eyesmoke:
I will also add, my humididty has been at 20 percent for a while now, and ive started using my revolving fan a bit less due to noise problems and have yet to get a new fan(still have plenty of airflow though)

quickly adding; growing from soil, using hesi for soil nutrients, not to full strength, a bit of yellowing on the very bottom leaves but i thought thats rather normal

I will aprriciate any and all guidance



will also add that on the second pic, a bit of yellowing on the tips, but thats only on one plant, a few more have strted having more yellow lefage on the big fan leaves(pic also dsent express the full yellow due to the light but it definatly is)


Active Member
your plants are fine, yellowing at the end of flowering is a natural reaction in some strains.


Active Member
I'll tell you,all I see is great herb in flower.Others will be quick to tell you to add more N.Or you have a P def.You should be losing fan leaves from the bottom up.I wish they were my


as the others say this can be normal and it could be a nitrogen problem
thhough going by them pics i say dont worry about it and let them finish


Active Member
I don't see anything to worry about. You'll never retain every damn leaf no matter how healthy the plant. Give them a shot of a high N food if you want, but not too much as that can impede flowering.


thanks for all the replies guys!! ive uploade alot better of a picture, perhaps this may get a different reaction, if not then i will continue on as everyone has suggested
Thanks again



Active Member
hey man with 2 or 3 weeks to go those plants are right on schedule. chil relax and look forward to some good shit there matie..... you did a good job, those leaves look normal for 6 weeks flowering.