HELP!!! week 4 of flower and the girls gotta go.. like tonight..


New Member
I have a huge problem.. my girls are in the middle of the fourth week of flowering. Sudden turn of events occured and I have to get the girls out of here like now. I have another place to put them, but I am afraid of transport because its single digits outside and I'm afraid the cold will shock them. Also, I would have to drive about 30 min or so to take them where they need to be.. if I were to harvest now, will I have anything worth anything?? Could I transport if I too measures to ensure that they are only exposed to a few seconds or minites of single digit temperatures?? Time is ticking and I don't wanna make the wrong move.. somebody please help!!


New Member
Yea but how though?? Any preferred method? Sould I tie garbage bags aroind them? I still have to keep them somewhat concealled.


Well-Known Member
Just warm up the care before you go then put them in it and drive away?? haha I cannot imagine it would exspose them to maybe even 2 minutes? unless you have your car parked reallly far away? haha definitly dont harvest now, thats useless. Everything will be fine man just chill, and get them girls out of there!


Well-Known Member
stick em in a bin bag or a cardboard box, you can squish em in a bit its not the end of the world, move them outside or wherever you have and chill it'll be fine, definately don't harvest them now or you'll have a whole bunch of stems with little tiny bits of shitty crap down them!