Help, waterline on ebb and flow


Hi, I have an 18 gallon ebb and flow system set up with 4, 6 inch pots.

Everything is basically finished, I just need help on the waterline...

I can't really find anything except one post speaking of 3/4 way... (15 min flood), 4x a day..

How does this sound? Thanks =)

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Hi, I have an 18 gallon ebb and flow system set up with 4, 6 inch pots.

Everything is basically finished, I just need help on the waterline...

I can't really find anything except one post speaking of 3/4 way... (15 min flood), 4x a day..

How does this sound? Thanks =)
What medium are you using?

Bob Smith

Well-Known Member
Um.............think you want it the other way around, man.

Check out Al B. Fuct's threads under the Hydro forum, they'll walk you through what you need to do.............but if rockwool, you don't need to flood very high at all.