Help!!! Want To Grow Shrooms!!


Well-Known Member
You will be fine with the brown rice. I have some growing now that are just pure brown rice, no vermiculite. One thing i would say is when sterilizing, you are not meant to boil it, just steam it. The water level shouldn't touch the jars as it can cook your substrate. What i did was put some jam jar lids at the bottom and put the jars on top of that and put a little water in, the steam sterilizes everything. Thats just what i have read.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
ooo shit i gotcha , well i made the water come to a boil but the jars were almost half covered with water that was at a slow boil, and i put the jars on a towel in the pot, so yea lol i didnt really boil em. and people r telling me now that i have to boil the jars again before i add the spores... But my spores are coming like tuesday so i'm gonna sterlize the jars etc and put 2 shots of spores in my 5 jars. and then put em in a garbage bag in a warm damp area lol my garage. WISH ME LUCK GUYS I'LL TAKE PICS SOON


Well-Known Member
ok guys so i finallllllly got my spores!! i got 1 syringue of golden teacher. ANd i have 6 1/2 pint mason jars. I poked 2 holes in each jar on the top. Now HOW EXACTLY DO I INNOCULATE THE MASON JARS?? CAN SOMEONE TELL ME HOW TO DO THIS LOL THANKX


Well-Known Member
Well, this is the method i would use:

- Put your substrate in the jars. Sterilize them in the normal way.
- Open your oven door, and turn it halfway up. (This is where you will inoculate them, the heat rising stops other spores infecting the area).
- Rub everywhere down with alcohol, rubbing if you have it but i used vodka.
- Sterilize the needle tip with flame and alcohol
- Inject the spores at 4 sites by the side of the jar
- Cover the holes with tape.
- You know the rest.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
i do something similar but have never put foil ontop of verm rice flour mix i just put an inch or two of dry vermiculite on top of the cake. i got 2 ounces dry from 12 pf cakes doing this method


Active Member
I think that people that are looking to grow on a budget should really consider presterilized grow bags from You can get 10 bags with injection ports for $35 shipping included, and they fruit invitro pretty damn easy. You can get 2 big bags of peat/vermiculite or peat/coir to case with for $20. U can order a syringe of spores from for $20 thats with shipping included. If you know what the strain of the month is then u can get 2 for 20.

That's the way to go for a budget grow if you ask me.


Well-Known Member
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN thats fucking cheap!! what exactly do u mean by 10 bags with injection ports?? r the bags like premixed substrate?? AND i steamed the jars again 3 days ago and injected the spores into 6 jars total. I looked today at the jars and dont see any MYCELLIUM growing yet, is that bad or good?? SHOULD I WAIT NE LONGER?


Active Member
DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN thats fucking cheap!! what exactly do u mean by 10 bags with injection ports?? r the bags like premixed substrate?? AND i steamed the jars again 3 days ago and injected the spores into 6 jars total. I looked today at the jars and dont see any MYCELLIUM growing yet, is that bad or good?? SHOULD I WAIT NE LONGER?
They're bags with filter patch breathers that have a pre-sterilized substrate in them. You shoot your spores or liquid culture through the self healing injector port. And put em in a warm(73-83F will do), dark place to incubate them. Im currently experimenting with them.:bigjoint:

As for your jars you just have to wait, be patient as it can take awhile to see signs of growth with multispore inoculation.
Well, Good luck with your grow!


Well-Known Member
well alright does ne one know y i dont have ne mycellium yet? i did everything right

and then check ONCE a week.

light will hurt, i know. my whole grow is fucked.

put them away, in dark warm area and forget for 1-2weeks.

then check for growth. if none by then, there may be a problem.

anyone know how to start the mycelium growing again?


Well-Known Member
I assume your doing PF tek?
I might be able to help. But I need to know how u did ur whole grow so I can make sure your mycelium hasn't stalled from a reason other than the light.
i did pf tek.

here are some pics
kinda random and in no particular order
ok let me clarify, focusing on the second picture of nine jars.

there are four jars, one on the bottom right, two in the middle and one on the top left. those are complete and i just birthed them into a make shift terrarium. On THOSE 4 i was waiting to see if i could initiate pinning in the jars but it didnt seem to be working. so i birthed them and hope the higher moisture content will trigger it.

on the remaining 5 jars, they pretty much look the same. the sides showing in picture 2 of the 5 incomplete jars are thier BEST sides meaning if i turned them around you would see more vermiculite and BRF than white mycelium.

being a rookie, i placed them in a low light to dark situation for a little while in the beginning. then realized they should have been in complete darkness.

i also left the tape on the holes as i did not read in the recipe to remove it.

the four that i birthed looked good, help together well, and smelled very earthy/mushroomy.

lately i have had alot of discouragement in my life and this is the most recent thing i have attempted to accomplish and it is beginning to get the best of me.

as of right now i have four in a make shift aquarium/terrarium and the other 6 in complete darkness. i am hopiing that will get them to start and complete the rest of the jars.

that picture was taken on 6-30-08 so its been almost 2 weeks since i put the four into indirect light for pinning and placed the other 6 into complete darkness.


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