help w/ diagnosis, lots of pics


Well-Known Member
okay, so i just figured out today that my ph meter is shot. just goes to show you that you should always take care of your equipment. i had to pull up shop for a few months and didn't store my meter properly. now the damn thing jumps all over the place, making it impossible to get accurate readings. thankfully, i was able to find a replacement electrode and some storage solution and they will be here in a couple of days.

now on to the issue at hand. i have 3 plants currently growing dwc in 5 gallon buckets with a 600w HPS in a 3.5x3.5x6.5 hydrohut. temps max out around 86 or so during the day, and drop to around 72 during lights out. i've been maintaining a steady (or so i thought) 5.3-6ph range the entire time. the NL is in the center. it is around 21days since emerging from rockwool. the other two are seeds from some decent shit i had a while back. those are about 15 days from sprout. it is interesting to notice the difference between plants which have known genetics, i.e. from a breeder, versus those plants which have not been bred.

at any rate, i noticed yellowing starting from the lower leaves on the NL and thought nothing of it at first since all my parameters are well within tolerances (so i thought). it kept getting progressively worse, until a couple of days ago i really started to notice it was creeping up not just my NL, but on the bagseed plants as well. today i decided i would perform an experiment. i "calibrated" my ph meter, and proceeded to test my nutrient solution, only to watch the meter jump from 6.1 up to 6.2 and back down again. i waited a couple of minutes and decided to calibrate again, and what do you know? i was .4 higher than i should be!

it looks like my ph being off so much recently is starting an accumulation of deficiencies because of lockout. my water isn't very hard here, maybe 160 ppm, and i've only ran up to 750 ppm's in my NL. i'm using general hydroponics 3 part. i've started all plants off at 1/4 strength, then moved up to 1/2 strength for full veg on my NL. judging by the looks of it, i probably have at least 3 deficiencies, maybe N,P and K at the same damn time.

the first pic is of my NL at 16 days. the next two pics are of my bagseed plants which are 15 days along. root structure between the bred seeds and the bagseeds is just amazing. i have virtually no lateral root growth with the bagseeds, but the NL seed is just exploding with nice white roots. the 4th pic is of my NL stalk. the next one is of my nodes. no sex yet, but it is a little early. anyways, the next few pics are of the leaves.



Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice. i've tried lowering my ppm's significantly, but they just keep creeping up with my ph. should i just put them in ph'ed water for a couple of days to alleviate the nute burn situation which appears to be going on? i'm new at this dwc thing. any help is greatly appreciated



Active Member
it look like it could be a combination of PH fluctuation and nutrient salt build up to high on the ppm luck :)


Well-Known Member
okay, thanks! i should be getting my new electrode today in the mail so i'll "flush" them out as it looks like the nute burn is progressing.
