Help. Unknown plant sickness.


New Member
I know what's wrong but more like I don't know how to fix it or if it even can be fixed. So here's what's going on. I moved my plant to a new spot to give it more room and afterwards I was mixing a miracle grow nutrient solution while doing so I carelessly spilled pure nutrient on 3 leaves. These leaves or dark green and flaccid. From my knowledge this best relates to that of nitrogen toxicity. However they aren't "clawed" as you can see below. I was thinking of transplant it to a new 5G bucket with fresh soil but I'm not sure if that's the right call or if I can fix it another way. Can someone help, preferably a solution based on experience



New Member
Well I went ahead a transplanted it to a bigger container full of fresh potting mix(already damp so I didn't water it) so we'll see how that works...the other leaves and stem haven't shown signs of similar problems. Thx for the advice I'll keep you posted.


Well-Known Member
Personally I would cut them off so as not to continue over feeding the plant, as long as there's enough of the other leaves for the plant to feed, just my opinion, never had that problem.


New Member
I don't believe it's over feeding or nutrient least not the entire plant so far it's just the leaves that concentrated nutrients fell on. it was a liquid feed that was being mixed with water. I want to say maybe it instantly burn the leave and ruin said leaves vacuoles and net work system. That's what would happen with normal plant but Mary Jane seem to respond different than others, so I've read. So maybe I should leave them on for a little while longer to ensure that they won't recover before pruning it