Help Tweak my Design?


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone. I'm a first-time grower and have been reading up on things for a while now trying to get together an idea for a grow design. I have an idea of what I want to do but would like some suggestions or other ideas for a stealth veg cabinet design.

Dresser (Roughly 18" deep x 28" wide x 35" tall)

This is the parts list I'm thinking I'll need for right now:

2 x 42w 2700k
4 x 26w 6500k
3 x 1 to 2 Socket splitters (Y)
3 x Plug-in socket adapters
2 x Computer fans (Outlet)
1 x Computer fan (Inlet)
2 x Small clip-on fans (for circulation)
4 x Survival Blankets (for the walls)
1 x Light timer

I know that I'll also need a pH tester and some other random things. How many plants could I veg in here? I think I could fit in somewhere between 16-20 for vegging in that amount of space, but have no idea.

I also have another area that I've thought about vegging in. It's under a cabinet and has plenty of space (it runs the length of the house and is about 2-2.5' tall. I originally planned to use fish tanks with it's on clip-on fan and CO2 generator in each one but don't know if I'd have the space to veg in the cabinets. How many plants can a 10" deep x 18" wide fish tank veg? 6?

Our closet is 2.5' deep x 7' wide x 8' tall. The lighting in there will most likely be 2x600w HPS. Ideally I'd like to have 10-16 females flowering in here. Is this possible?

Thanks again. Any hints or tips are more than welcome! There's several of us, so we need a lot of bud to smoke! :weed:


Well-Known Member
hope that it works out for ya man... there are so many ways to do this grow thing that I think the best way is what is comfortable for you.. props on doing your homework first most peeps dont do that :D see ya