HELP: Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) or Deficiency


Well-Known Member
Hello everyone,

So here is my problem, i got a strain "the purps" from a buddy say he has being growing this strain for 5 or so years and said that the leaf white blotchiness just because "albino"... so i was like ok... cool. long story store i did some research and found the closest thing matching this pattern... TMV can i get some other's input if the strain i have is positive for TMV or hopefully just a deficiency of a nutrient. the first five are the new growth I have started, the last two was the finish 8 week , notice the non developed trichs/crystals?

if you need any other information of the environment i can reply to them.


BTW can TMV infect humans as well?



Active Member
No, PH should not be an issue in soil. Soil naturally buffers the ph level so that nutrients are available. One would have to really mess things up for a while to have PH issues in soil.


Ph is almost always the issue in soils like fox farm.... to much feed ... salt build up..... low ph'd water..... all can lead to lowering PH and can happen in a matter of 2-3 feeding... when this happens you lock out or diminish the amount the plant can uptake of your n-p-k. people don't give soil enough credit for how important ph can be to maximize yeilds in soil. watch what can be locked out at 6.3 in soil

P-Ca-Mg all seem locked out in the pic.... and checking the charts seems that a 6.3 soil SHOULD have those issues :)

hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input guys , I was told 6.3 so I stuck with it, since vegging. I m now in week 4 of flowering . Am I too late to correct the ph level to 6.5?
What steps should I take to correct this imbalance? A full flush or just continue my water/feed schedule but making sure the ph level is at 6.5?



Well-Known Member
Ok i am back, trying to figure out whats the matter with some of the ladies in the back. droopy bottom leaves.
they are under 1000watt mh with a 8" exhaust, air conditioner, dehumidifier. temps are at 31C and 45% humidity. they are in 3 gallon pots of PRO MIX HP, from day one i have been using a pH of 6.3 for plain water and also when i do nute feeding. they are about 3-1/2 weeks old. notice the ones in the background, drooping leaves.from day one i started out with A+B grow from DNF with superthieve and hygrozyme, was giving half strengthat a pH of 6.3...
I gave them half strength of sensi grow A + B , B52 and voodoo for a 40 liter reservoir and pH to 6.5 on june 17th, it has been three days now and the soil was dry and light to lift up with one hand without much effort. gave them plain water at a pH of 6.5.
distance from light is 20"

the front ones i believe they are purple kush and some other strain. the far back one are "the purps"
1. IMG_1206.jpg this is the setup
2. IMG_1207.jpg droopy :( ("the purps")
3. IMG_1208.jpg another one droopy ("the purps")
4. IMG_1210.jpg wtf i dont know, was it because of my pH being at 6.3 since clones and now the nutes were locked and a build up of salt cause this cupping of the leaves, patchy green tone ? ("the purps")


Active Member
temp is too high my friend

excess moisture can result in droopy leaves without any discolouration ... hows the drainage in the pots?


Active Member
Ive been growing in soil for quite a while and E.C. plays the biggest role, in my opinion.
While soil does buffer the PH to a degree, you cant grow a healthy plant in a low or high ph. You can grow an average plant in soil with a PH of 6, but the sweet spot is 6.8.
If you put lime in your soil, ph your water to 6.0, the soils ph will be 6 when wet, then raise to 7 (from the lime) as the soil dries. This sweep from a ph of 6-7 will give the plant full access to all available nutrients.
BUT you can also easily adjust your PH to 6.8 with every feeding and watering and it will work just as well.
..Anywho, the plants in your first post have ph issues. While I dont really know what TMV is, your plants just look like they are in "off" soil. Ive had plants that have looked like that before and the ph was the problem.
Your finished plants look fine to me, and the lack of resin you are talking about is probably an environmental factor.
I grew a plant once from seed and it had crazy resin production, It seriously looked like it had hair. Then I grew out its clone, and the resin production was lacking by atleast 50%, so im not sure if thats a product of seed grown plants being more hardy, or if it was all just from its growing environment?

I also see root issues with your purps, and ph fluxuation in the last picture.
It looks like you fixed the PH, tho the affected leaves will remain looking a little crinkled.
And the Prups looks like it might have root rot or it might just be over-watered, but either way its root health is the culprit.

let the soil dry out and see if the leaves perk back up.
If not, try my root stimulator bucket:
go buy a foot or two of some 6" pvc pipe, a 5 gallon bucket, and a 100 gallon air pump for an aquarium(amazon or walmart), tubing, and an air stone.
Cut off 2, 6inch pieces of 6" diameter PVC pipe. Place them verticly in a bucket
Fill the bucket up with water so the water sits about 1/2 an inch below the top of the 6 inch pvc pipe. Add about 8 ml of Hygrozyme.
Drop the air stone in and plug in the pump, you should have hella bubbles.
Place the plant (current planter included) in the bucket and on top of the vertical pvc pipe pieces. Make sure the tubing from the air pump dosent get pinched off.
Let the plant chill in this "root stimulater bucket" for a couple weeks and you should see a dramatic difference.
If that dosent fix it, its probably root rot. But if its just a moisture issue, this method will stimulate new rooth growth which will bring your plant back to life.


Well-Known Member
these babies were transplanted from 1 gallons to 3 gallons on July 15th. i started out with pouring 1 liter of water ph'd at 6.3 and noticed something was up. so i started this post and now i have changed my ph to 6.5.
noticed 1 liter was dried up to much in 2 days. so on july 17th i gave half strength of sensi a+b grow , b52 and voodoo and fixed the ph to 6.5. poured 2 liters this time but for run off / drainage, i would say no more than 200mL came out of the bottom. than was quickly absorbed back into the pot. now its day three an i have poured plain water at pH of 6.5 , and here i am with this droopiness still.

if i would leave the pot to dry to much i would just get 1 liter flowing into the tray and some onto the floor.

any suggestions on how to lower my temperature?
is placing the thermometer in hanging in the middle of the room a best place to get a reading? see picture one theres a grey little square on a chain.

my ppm for half strength is at 600



Well-Known Member
k here is the update after a few hours since watering

water at 4pm ---------------- time 11:30pm
View attachment 2262785--------IMG_1221.jpg
View attachment 2262778-------------IMG_1217.jpg
View attachment 2262781 -------------IMG_1218.jpg

still a bit of drooping but a good improvement. I think i am going to try that PVC method GreenChile mentioned earlier for a set of 9 I have that just recently went in to 12/12 they look horrible, those 9 were at a pH of 6.3 since clones. but have been correcting their pH to 6.5 since. i will take pictures of them closer to lights off as the HPS gives off a orange tint to the pictures.

Thanks for all the good advice :)


Well-Known Member
ok here we go again -_-"

here is my other problem,
room is 8x1000watt air cool 8" tubes connect to a 12" exhaust open on one end to exhaust the room at the same time.
room temp is 31C
room humidity is 45%
i am running a/c and a dehumidifier
pots are 5 gallons
soil promix hp
strain "the purps"
distance from top cola to tube 12"
ph from start was 6.3 for plain 2-3 day old air stoned tap water. when feeding i started with DNF AB grow, superthrieve, and hydrozyme at half strength which i started at 200 ppm on week 2 of veg than 3rd week 400ppm and 4th week up to 600ppm.
when i started the 12/12 cycle i when with DNF AB bloom, superthrieve, hydrozyme, carboload, and big bud all half strength the ppm was always at 600.
I have always did a rotation of feed and water.
this one is about 5 weeks in to flowering.
Since July 16 i have changed the pH to 6.5

leaves curling down - high eat?
deficiency of nutes? not sure which one can some one educate me please
is this one improving or just getting worse?

lowest fan one up.......another one up...up again...........highest one

rotation view.



Well-Known Member
No, PH should not be an issue in soil. Soil naturally buffers the ph level so that nutrients are available. One would have to really mess things up for a while to have PH issues in soil.
For real soil, maybe.

ProMix is a peat based mix and if not limed, you certainly will have pH problems.



Well-Known Member
temp is too high my friend

excess moisture can result in droopy leaves without any discolouration ... hows the drainage in the pots?
i'd have to agree with this.. They look like they got hot and then over watered after that happened. I think everything will work itself out with lower temps and a slight reduction of water.


Well-Known Member
Hello there,

i'd have to agree with this.. They look like they got hot and then over watered after that happened. I think everything will work itself out with lower temps and a slight reduction of water.
I have been searching all around to find how many lights can an 8 " exhaust pull with another 8" intaking. right now i have a 12" exhuast hooked up to eight; 8" tubes with one end open to draw the room air out at the same time drawing the heat from the lights.
what i want to do in the a few weeks is directly connect one 8" exhaust; exhausting to the out side at one end of the the series of tubes and another at the beginning of the tubes intaking air from outside. making sure the intake starts from one side of the house and the exhaust would be on the other side of the house.

would that be enought air movement to draw most of the heat from the lights ?

or is there a certain amount of 1000watts you should hook up to an 8" exhaust fan to be effiencient.

Whats your water source, tap, ro, distilled? Also,dDid you add any epsom salt yet?
my water source is tap water, left in a 70L pail for 2-3days with an air stone.
and i have not added epsom salt to the soil.

Thanks again


Active Member
I think its slightly magnesium deficient from too much calcium in your tap water and over watered.
The biggest mistakes made growing in soil is over-feeding and over watering, followed by magnesium deficiency. 9 out of 10 times its one of these issues.
Signs of over watering are, sporatic yellowing of lower leaves, droopy leaves, followed by sudden dropping of lower leaves.
Magnesium deficiency is usually purpling of the stem and stalk, yellowing of leaves, which progress's to necrotic spots and curling tips. Then when things get really bad, the plant looks crinkled and "electrified" with lime green growth.
Since you were having issues with droop it kind of makes since that it could be magnesium deficient and over watered.
It never hurts to buy a soil moisture meeter. You should have one, along with a PH meter and a PPM meter. All 3 are always good to have.


Well-Known Member
What it looks like to me is overfertilization with Nitrogen...
Which can cause every sort of deficiency locks out calcium, which locks out magnesium, and so on and so forth...
It also makes the leaves curl under and start turning yellow with brown tips towards the bottom and moving up the plant...the older leaves will be the most browned.


Well-Known Member
I think its slightly magnesium deficient from too much calcium in your tap water and over watered.
The biggest mistakes made growing in soil is over-feeding and over watering, followed by magnesium deficiency. 9 out of 10 times its one of these issues.
Signs of over watering are, sporatic yellowing of lower leaves, droopy leaves, followed by sudden dropping of lower leaves.
Magnesium deficiency is usually purpling of the stem and stalk, yellowing of leaves, which progress's to necrotic spots and curling tips. Then when things get really bad, the plant looks crinkled and "electrified" with lime green growth.
Since you were having issues with droop it kind of makes since that it could be magnesium deficient and over watered.
It never hurts to buy a soil moisture meeter. You should have one, along with a PH meter and a PPM meter. All 3 are always good to have.
In my opinion that's great advice, especially on the mag deficiency.....some strains are absolute whores for mag.