Help!!!!tiny yellow spots attacking me!!!!


what is wrong with my baby? any advice will help. is it a boy or girl??? I am a first time grower. pics attached.


Well-Known Member
are you using nutrients, if you are it's nute burn, i see alot of yellowing at the tips, down your nutes a little bit, thats if u r using nutes!


Active Member
Looks like bugs to me. Spider mites maybe. They will suck the life causing spots then the tips. And you won't even notice without a trained eye untill they take over


need more details.....
I don't think it is spider mites. I think it is fungus gnats because they are flying and I just seen them crawling on top of my soil. I'm going to wal-mart now to get garden-safe fungicide. Thanks for the advice. Fungus gnats can cause that kind of damage too right. I checked under all the leaves and there is no sign of spider mites. fungus gnats????? what do u think??????


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is spider mites. I think it is fungus gnats because they are flying and I just seen them crawling on top of my soil. I'm going to wal-mart now to get garden-safe fungicide. Thanks for the advice. Fungus gnats can cause that kind of damage too right. I checked under all the leaves and there is no sign of spider mites. fungus gnats????? what do u think??????
I had fungus gnats they are pretty much impossible to get rid of. However you will see them flying around for sure. Unless you have strong fans on your plants.

They come in with the soil or starter plugs you buy. So yu will keep getting them every time you use whatever it is that brought them in.


Well-Known Member
I don't think it is spider mites. I think it is fungus gnats because they are flying and I just seen them crawling on top of my soil. I'm going to wal-mart now to get garden-safe fungicide. Thanks for the advice. Fungus gnats can cause that kind of damage too right. I checked under all the leaves and there is no sign of spider mites. fungus gnats????? what do u think??????
Are the yellow spots uniformly distributed or just on certain leaves or certain parts of the plant?



the spots are scattered out in different places. by the way I had a friend tell me that he used this stuff called garden safe fungicide and it is a 3 in 1 spray. it kills fungus, mold, etc. and it killsw bugs and eggs. my buddy told me that this stuff got rid of the gnats over night. he said that you gotta soak the plant and soil down with this stuff. he said to even spray places throughout the house like trash cans, sinks, and even the air around these places. pretty much anyplace these suckers can live or hangout. And yes I can see these little pests flying around in my grow room. they are even noticeable with my fans blowing. I didn't really think too much of it until this morning when I saw like ten or twenty of them crawling around on top of my soil. They're gonna pay for attacking my baby. Anyway, can u tell if my plant is a male or female yet?? I have read and looked at all the stuff about how to tell but I'm not having any luck with figuring it out. picture #5 is a pic of my preflowers. let me know what you think.


Well-Known Member
Anyway, can u tell if my plant is a male or female yet?? I have read and looked at all the stuff about how to tell but I'm not having any luck with figuring it out. picture #5 is a pic of my preflowers. let me know what you think.
Sorry, but pic 5 shows the beginnings of a branch, not preflowers.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like two problems to me. The pics show signs of spider mites. Look through a loop or magnifying glass you`ll see the ugly mothers. The flying insects could be thrips. Thrips come in the dirt- they remind me of knats - little black fliers that seem to be everywhere.

If it is early in a cycle - I set off a Pyrethrum bomb (STAY OUT until totally ventilated ) Then use insecticidal soap 2 days later to kill the new hatch - repeat as necessary
Late in flower cycle - just insecticidal soap every 2-3 days until mites are gone (can be used up till day before harvest )
I imagine the above will kill them also - but I use Hot Shots (posted on the forum somewhere ) year round and I have not seen a thrip since I started using them
For immediate relief - a fly strip strategically placed will round them up - they are drawn to the goo - after a day or so the strip will be black with them

Hope this helps


Active Member
Yeah, I've never had gnats or thrips, but I know that all those little buggers are a death sentance if left to there own devices.


Well-Known Member
Anthracnose fungus is another possibility, esp if upon close inspection you don't find any actual bugs (ps. fungus gnats don't feed on living leaf material, so it isn't that).