Help, thinking about growing for seeds


Well-Known Member
Got 10 regular version AK 48 beans from Attitude still in the original packaging. I was thinking of trying to do a first grow to get more seeds for future seed grows without having to place another order. The question is if I allow the males and females to do their thing and make seeds on the first go around will this contaminate my flower room with leftover pollen and therefore get any future females/clones knocked up etc? Will the seeds I get have all the characteristics of the original strain etc.? I don't have the facilities to set up a separate impregnating chamber or whatever it might be called..or maybe its a bad idea to start with. Any help appreciated. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Yes, it is worth it if you do not want to continuously buy seeds every time you want to grow and are not running a perpetual grow. There are ways to pollinate just a few bud sites instead of pollinating your whole plants, which will give you more than enough seeds for a while. Look in the FAQ section on breeding to find ways to just pollinate a few sites. In addition, the pollen will not effect future grows, as the pollen has a short finite time to pollinate a plant.
u can just make some seeds u dont have to knock up the whole plant just do the smaller lower buds and you will still get a bunch of seeds

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
yes, it will contaminate the entire room for many months unless you thoroughly clean it with a bleach and water mixture. this means wiping down the fan (take it apart and wipe blades as well as everything else), the floor, the walls...etc. even if you do this, pollen could still be lingering depending upon the environment and room (things that you can't wipe like carpet). in my opinion it's just not worth it because it could fuck up your next 4 grows. you can take a male and collect pollen, then with a paint brush, with the fan off, lightly brush a little bit of the pollen onto lower bud sites.

Cpt Jack

If your careful you should be able to produce your own seeds with no problem. i pollinate one lower bud (thats all the seeds i require per strain, can always do again if i get to my last one). allow your male sacks to develop but keep an eye on like many times a day. once they look ready to drop turn all fans off. take your male out, carefully now cos ya dont want to spread that pollen. get a food bag. shake some pollen into it then get rid of your male. wash yourself down once you've done that and as just mentioned take a soft paintbrush and dab some pollen onto your bud/s. leave fans off for about 4 days (i use fans for air circ only, if ya use for heat issues you may find this a struggle). after 4 days dust off the bud however you like but be sure to collect any falling pollen and i hoover the close area too. any excuse to clean your room should be taken. leave for another day then spray with tap water. turn fans back on and let it do its thing. hope this helps

Cpt Jack

oh and if you do this right with complete control you will not pollinate anything else. as proof i had 5 bluemoonshines and 2 14 ft jack hearer girls in a 6ft by 9ft room. you can imagine it was pretty hard to even get into my room. my big plants where like 5 ft across man. iv pollinated the cutting of the best jack hearer this time, but anyway i did my thing with all those plants in and i even left extractor and intake running cos of the smell and on next grow after that and all is well. have a go, just be careful my man.


Well-Known Member
I do seeds from my breed when ever I want some new ones. have been keeping it going for 20 years the easiest way I have found indoors is to grow your male in a box alone with just a small cfl in it it don't take much light for them to make pollen. to breed it to your girl.. take the male top and put it into a plastic ziplock bag. shake it up a little (you will see the pollen get everyware inside) take the girl you want to knock up and bring her out of your room place bag over a lower limb zip it closed and shake. give it about 5 min. and remove the bag and blow off any excess pollen/wipe down the pot and such. and place plant back in your grow.. only the limb you placed the bag on will have seeds.. btw I seed in the 3ed week (9 week strain) because theres enough buds allready to make a lot of seeds and they have 5 weeks to devolop. I take the seeded limb in the 8th week when the seeds look like there about to fall out of the bud..