Help think im killing my flowering girl


Well-Known Member
Ok so my baby is in the 5th day of flower and so far i have necessarily been able to keep it 12/12 sometimes the light would be turned off an hour later. And its been like that for a couple days so would doing that affect my plant? I only ask cause on the bottom of the stalk where like the third node is the pistils are red. But from there on up they are white. Help!!!!


Well-Known Member
to flower 100% dank they need 12 hours of none interupted darkness per day, just make sure they are off for 12 hours


Well-Known Member
yea they always are but sometimes even a little longer. is that ok? and wats with the red pistils at the bottom??


Well-Known Member
your fine this early in, but go to home depot and buy an 11$ heavy duty lamp timer. In the next few weeks it will start to be touchy about when it gets its light. Make sure the lights turn on every day at the same time and are on for exactly 12 hours. If you don't, after 2 or 3 weeks you will run the risk of turning your girl into a herm.


Well-Known Member
If your "on" & "off" times vary, you might stress your plants and run the risk of the plants trying to seed themselves.. "turn hermie" thus trying to reproduce before they die.......:peace:.........


Well-Known Member
In dope growing, a "Hermie" is an hermaphrodite plant having both male and female reproductive capabilities. A plant that can fertilize itself and others. Not good for a pot garden trying to grow sinsemilla. The last thing you want in your garden is a viable male, unless you are trying to make more seed from the strain you are growing. A fertilized female will put all energy into seed production. An unfertilized female will use that energy to produce nice bud, loaded with THC. Sinsemilla = the Spanish words "Sin" (without) "Semilla" (seed) Males (and Hermies) cause seeds. NOT good.
It's been said that F+F pollination will produce more hermies, but IN MY BRIEF EXPERIENCE it doesn't. I assume the seeds I am growing now are from a crop that had some hermies in it because every seed that sprouted to date (30 or 40 seeds) has been a female, and no hermies to date. Since I used the last of my seeds form this source, I am hoping to get a hermie, or at least a male so I can keep this line going.