help!!!! there out to get me (very long)


Active Member
so friday on the way to work i get pulled over when the cop comes up he has his gun drawn and said theres a BOLO for a white male in a silver crown vic(i have ligit tint no rims its a classy car not gettho or anything) by the time he asked for my DL and insur ect.... his lt shows up and the k9 so im like wtffffffff i give him my shit and let him know i do have a CCW and i have my gun on me and its loaded ...... he starts to get alll excited .... Then he ask if he can look in my car i said for what reason and he says 1 u just said u have a gun on u (got perment n all) and theres a bolo out on this car n some one who looks like me whole time it was wierd he kept asking Q about my roomate(who i have put the car in his name ) so w.e i let the douch look in the car (dont have shit in it any ways ) whole time the lt is like just let us know if u even got shake or seeds or anything that it willl help me out to tell the truth (fts) the whole time im freakin out cuz i have my meds on me just not in a bottal cuz i only take what i need for that day(no way in hell ima take 90 oxys and 240 xannax and 90 lortabs with me where ever i go ) when i can just take 1 of each n ill be good for that day at work well he pats me down n didnt find them then ask where i work kinda dumb when im wearing the shirt ... the whole time he is looking at me dead in the eye . well this gets wierd when he says arnt you a manger up there ? wait didnt you just ask where i work so now i def know something else is up well the rookie found nada like i said so they bring the k9 out there well i didnt car cuz there wasnt shit in there well the dog hit everywhere on the car it as crazy well they looked over it once more well then they were like why do u have 3 dif mailing addys i told them im in the rental biz on the side and i get mail from those places and others (5 house that i rent out to ppl) well they got even wierd n where talking between them sellfs n out of no where they gave me my shit n was like u can go ............................. well since i had my meds on me with out the script i kinda needed to change boxers lmao!!! so i road out to shower and change ....... well work called and said theres a cop waiting for me to show up well when i got there she was gone........ well 30 mins latta she is there so i walk out to her and said look they already pulled me over once well she cut me off saying i know my lt wanted to make sure u were going where u said u where ??????? just for a BOLO stop ??????? she then started askin all these Qs about my roomie and me n said he fits the guy there going after not me well i call him he n tell him whats up he went down to the pd and was like do i need to turn my self in n told them what had happin to me they ran his shit n said nope theres just a bolo on a silver crown vic with light tint and a white 20s-30s male driivng it (thats me ) welll this is when it gets bad my pt manger at my store comes into work that night n pulled me to the side (hes from around here and knows everyone in this hick asss smalll alabama town ) well his fullll time job is working on there DT,jump out cars and there reg marked cars. wellll monday he said the cpt came and was askin about me and my roomie kinda wierd right ? now swim and other swim dont sell drugs we only help out friends in need theres way biggger fish out there now im thinking some one is seting me up like my x renter who sells waight and other crap(thats why he he isnt renting a house from me any more and he fuked my x old lady and stole a months worth of my meds with the help of my x old lady) i think he is trying to set me up .......... now i need some advice swim was busted in fl for growning 3 yrs ago had 2 hs with 300+ plants well with enough pulll SWIM had with the pd as SWIM fathers the cpt there SWIM got off with POM and POC for some x swim got 2 yrs prob did his time every PO loved swim said he was great yadyada now it shouldnt show up here as i have a CCP
but whast hurting me i think is i have 3 brand new cars + my roomie has 2 cars and we both got bikes ..... and i have my 5 rental house(which i own thanks for forclosers and them going for so cheap and a grandfather going in on them ) ............. i have proof of income on everything i just think that some one snitched me out trying to sound like im a kingpin from SFL trying to run a lil hick ass town ...... what should i do ?????????? sry its so long in a hurry trying to fig what to do so i dont have swat kickin in my door to find nada and make me go threw what i did 3 yrs ago !!!!!

thanks for the help and sry its sooo long


Active Member
also forgot to add that the cop told me only 3 types of ppl drive crown vics, cops, old ppl and bad ppl answer to that was well sr you can think what u want to think but u need to open ur mind up a lil more n stop being so ignorent ...... my vic is a 2011 its the last yr they came out with them she has 5000 miles on it wtfffff how am i a bad guy then he asked how can i affored a 2010 f350 dully (odd that he knew that) and a 08 town car (same kinda odd), he went on to tell me he cant evene afford anyone of them how can a 22 yr ...... my remark to that was well sir u need to watch your spendings and save a lil and/or get a better job or another job like me n work 2 dif jobs so like wtfffffffff


Well-Known Member
Learn to use punctuation and paragraphs then i will read.

No way in hell am i reading all that, Read the first 5 lines and my eyes were hurting, scrolled down and it didn't fucking end.


Well-Known Member
jesus christ you have a ccw and are on all those medications? poster boy for gun control?


Active Member
Dude, computers come with spell check. Like seriously. I only understood about 1/4 of that. If you explain in normal people language, maybe I can help


Active Member
The heat is already on you.

So time to get squeaky clean until they get bored and decide to leave you alone.