Help the tips of my plants are yellowing. pleaseee

Im new to growing so im not sure what could we cause this yellowing. iv read and i feel like it could be either im giving it to much nutrients, bugs, overwater, or something with the lighting. can anyone please help me they are about 2 weeks old. ResizedImage_1339728417397.jpgResizedImage_1339728448976.jpgResizedImage_1339728462334.jpg


Well-Known Member
with what and how much?

just water for now should be fine, water enough that a bit runs out of bottom. About 2 oz or so.. If it get's a lot worse then think about flushing them.


Well-Known Member
i would give them a good flush with ph'd water then next water give em a feed on nutes at half the strength u are giving them now
im using miracle grow and im pretty sure the problem is i was giving it to many nutes. so im just going to use water till they are older, how old do you guys recommend? also how often should i water, and should i water till the water drips from the bottom evertime i water?


yeah, looks like nute burns. I'm a newbie grower like you (kinda, I don't really have the money to finance it) so I use tomato plant food - Because my current plants are still young I only give them a tiny drop of the nutes into a jug of lukewarm water every few waterings. With previous plants I've given them too much and they withered and died within a day. Another plant I had went yellow and crispy but is somehow still alive after I chucked it in the garden.. Growing is a trial and error process really.

Just remember to give them the tiniest amount every now and then, they don't really need nutes being so young.

Good luck!

-Also, I found this site the other day which is really informative and tells you pretty much everything you need to know from germination to harvest, it's pretty sweet.


yep, just water with ph'd water for now. i recommend watering until the soil is soaked (a couple drops coming out the bottom, not running out), then wait until they are very very dry before watering again. i use miracle grow (even though everyone curses it, i like it). i would say start feeding them at 5 weeks or so. start at 1/4 strength and work your way up to full strength. don't feed every time you water, only feed every 10-14 days. also, when you feed, give them a bit of plain water first so that the roots are shocked by the nutes and end up getting burned. i also like to vary how much water i give my plants. get them really really wet one feeding, then just about half that amount next time. i don't know if this is recommended or not, but it's been working for me!



NPK - looks like too much K = Potassium.

As all folks stated above, the plant is too young to be adding a bunch of nutes, although ok in moderation, as in very small doses. Good luck. Your little greeny will be fine as long as you don't overdue it.

Sow em & Grow em....



Well-Known Member
Ok, heres my advice, go straight water only for the next while. No nutes at all (if you have calmag 1ml with watering will never hurt) Their are many kinds of MG soil, what kind specifically did you get? Your best bet is gonna be to wait untill the lowest leaves on the plant turn 1/4 1/2 yellow (the nitrogen is then depleted from the mg and you can start to do your thing, untill you understand what your plant needs back off on it. I use only MG soil stuffs, I cross "35%moisture control" "25%seed starter" "40%perlite" all mg, My tents look great, (my woman is amazed by the plants Im growing lol) the key is to get your mixture straight and stick to it, pick the nutes your gonna use (i went with a earth juice lineup) and see how long it takes for your plant to start turning a little yellowish, its a good idea to keep a "journal" reminding yourself which of your plants used what and how they responded to each kind of dose. Once you know how each of your plants react you will start to see what they need before they are actually defiecient. Evey plant is diff you have to learn yours


i should also clarify, i said to water only when the plants are dry.... after a while you will know when your plants are getting thirsty. the leaves will start to look a little droopy and "sad". that's when you need to water. be careful though, as overwatering will also cause the leaves to droop. the more days that go by, the more you will be able to read your plant. it will tell you what it needs.