New Member
Well, Maybe you are right, but please in the future, post in at least this size (2) as us old codgers can hardly read this, let alone (1). My question is :How do we get them to leave and stay gone. First we must seal our borders, without Border control, we can not change anything. Then we have to go after the employers big time, no sissy sanctions , but an agressive accounting of the workforce with jail sentences for CEOs of the companies found in non-compliance. Maybe fat lazy rich dickheads will have to cut their own lawns, or pay white mans wages to "geterdon". As far as "citizen" children born to Illegals, we must change the law to eliminate them from citizenship, being born here from an illegal mother should not be rewarded. I personally have nothing against the Mexican people, YET, but with my neighborhood turning into a Barrio, I'm sure when they start spray painting the walls with gang signs, I'll be changing my mind. Illegal Immigrants, no matter what nationality must go, period!There is nothing like delivering a hispanic baby in the back of an ambulance when the mother can't speak english! I know first hand, and we the tight ass, greedy american keep bringing them in to work at a cheaper rate of pay then they leave and go back to Mexico for 3-6 months so they don't have to pay taxes. While they are here they live in conditions you and I could only have nightmares about. I have been in a single wide trailor with 10 males 5 females and about 15 kids under the age of 5. The males have gotten drunk started fighting over a girl, and stabbed the other, in front of the children. This is what WE as americans are bringing into the US so we can save a buck on labor!.... We have to fix home before we fix the vacation house. PRIORITIES PEOPLE!!!! We are FUCKING our own selves.![]()