Help Stunted Growth!!


I have 5 plants out currently. I was told they were breed autos from a friend, Ne how 2 are about 2 feet tall and are laging on fan leaves immensly and are just showing pistles. The other 3 are anywhere from 6-10 inches tall and already budding with plenty of fan leaves. I had the 3 smaller ones in 16 ounce cups for way to long cause i was not around to transplant them approximatly a month and a half. Now they are all planted in the ground and I am looking for a way to bring up the overall size of these guys. I have been giving them mirical grow (shitty i know) that its high in nitrogen content but now that they are budding already i am curious if i should change my nutrients to a blooming booster or not being that they are so small. My main question is how to bring up the overall size of these plants. Before they were getting lots of sunlight now not as much i believe but i cleared out more room for light.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
any nute with a higher P K then N would work just fine. even 24-8-16 would work... i use mg 24-8-16 during veg and the first half or flower... i also use a very high P K for the remander of flower


alright thanks that is the same stuff i am using also. How would you determine when half way through flowering would be if your uncertain on the strains


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
alright thanks that is the same stuff i am using also. How would you determine when half way through flowering would be if your uncertain on the strains
i always go with how many days for flower time on the spicific strain your growing.say 55 to 65 days flower time, so 25 to 30 days would be half.. hope i made sence...LOL