help still not sure what this is, nothings working .......


There are these tiny tiny like light brown or white spots on both sides of the leavesSnapshot_20140307.JPGSnapshot_20140307_1.JPGSnapshot_20140306_11.JPGSnapshot_20140306_5.JPGSnapshot_20140308_2.JPGSnapshot_20140308.JPGSnapshot_20140306_4.JPGSnapshot_20140306_3.JPGSnapshot_20140306_2.JPGSnapshot_20140306_7.JPGIF YOU NEED MORE PICTURES PLEASE JUST SAY THE WORD I CAN GET LOTS ,I CANT SEE ANY MITES ANS IVE JUST FEED IT SO I DONT FUCKING NO WATS GOING ON BUT I NEED TO FIX IT ITS HETTING WORSE.....................................PLEASE HELP


really there like that even befor i feed them and i only gave them phed water the time befor the last so i cant see that being a problem but thanks for the quick reply i wish there was more lol


Well-Known Member
Banned Neem oil, rubbish its a natural organic product, just remember any chemicals used will go into you


Well-Known Member
It does look like mite damage, looks like eggs underneath as well, but you say you can't see any?. I had the beginning of an infestation and they were wiped out with one spray. Get a leaf and look at each spot for as long as possible, mites are always on the move. You can Id them under a scope, or you could wipe your finger over a spec and see if it smears over the leaf or just rolls off, if it smears it's a crushed spider mite, if it doesn't it's just dirt.


ya that persons full of shit the one that told me they banned it he was just trying to sell me other shit ... .anyways k ill get that shit and use it cuz its either phospherus or bugs....


Well-Known Member
i cant buy neem oil here either. i recomend the organic hot pepper spray, u can google the recipe. I definatly think its spider mites, picture 5 clearly shows mite eggs


Well-Known Member
if your in canada and arent interested in googling the recipe for the pepper spray insecticide u can make at home i recomend safer's end all, its effective enough and wont harm your plants unless you mix it to strong FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS. No matter what treatment you choose you will need to repeat it every 3 days for no less then 3 weeks to make sure new generations arent being born. All over the counter pesticide products that are safe to use on your buds only kill adult bugs and will not harm eggs and do not leave a residue on the plants which is why repeat treatments are neccasary

herei did te googlig for you, arent i nice lol


Well-Known Member
Are you still in the veg phase or early flowering? Remember do not use any products the last 2 weeks or so of flowering unless you want to taste it in your finished product. Just a friendly heads up from a previous lesson learned....yuck!!!


Well-Known Member
BTW..I would also agree that you have some sort of insect problem going on rather than a deficiency.


k thanks for all the replys ,i went out and bought doctor doom total release fogger at the hydro store for 40 bucks.........they said its the best....hope it works....and im in 5th week of flower and the strain is either afganmango or hashplant i got them mixed up.....and i have no idea how long they flower for do any of youse no i tried google like for everything else came up empty...


Well-Known Member
dr doom is good but it will only kill adults, you will need to repeat treatment regularly or else mites will return