help...still no signs of sex?


Active Member
please help. its going to be september tommorow and my plant is still showing no signs of sex. i started this plant mid-late july from seed and it is now about 10" tall with 9 nodes. no preflowers on it whatsoever. is this normal. when should i start to see flowers and when i do is it going to be too late in the season? btw this is my first grow



Well-Known Member
same here, in same boat. mines about 14 tall with 8-9 nodes and no signs of sex.
what if we were to put bags over it for a few days? 24-36 hrs?
I only got 1 outside and i really want it to be female but if it isnt i want it dead, ground and sprinkled down the potty , a risk for bud is one thing, a rick for a pollenball is another.

btw I gots those little tiny bugs look like a micro cricket or leafbug mix and haul ass when they go.
not ever has one hurt my plant, atleast that i can ever tell, but they annoy me walking in sandals, and taht sucks


Active Member
the only good bug is a dead bug, unless its a 'lady-bug', which eat other bugs.
how would i go about removing these?

and amd those must be the exact bugs i am seeing too. thats good that theyre not doing any damage...noticable damage. this is also my only outdoor plant and i am anxious to see its sex.