Help spidermites on select budzz 9 days rom harvest. what do i do?


Well-Known Member
i was hoping they wouldnt do too much damage if i just wait but i need advice.....and also does anyone know if they continue to eataway at the buds after theyv been cut? thnx all


Well-Known Member
i would just wait,, anything you do will stay with the bud and leave a taste. they are after the live green in your plant and usually stay away from the bud if its sticky enough. if its a light infestation. ive cut buds off and shortly later there are all over the blood comin from the spot.. get all your flowerin plants finished up, clean the room with bleach. spray the new ones with neem and pray. ive had to cut clones, put them in the fridge and start over cause them lil bastards.