Help spider mites and tiny maggot looking things on leaves??

well the ones in dirt don't seem to look bad the dwc one dying off but that's prolly something different ya I only sprayed 2 times I believe I got a handle on them so I wont be spraying no more I have got atleast a month
hmms so ok I go and check the plants cuz I notice the lower leaves are looking like getting spotty again and lord behold black dots all over the leaves every dirt one so I'm like wtf so I took em outside and tried to hose em off stressed and bend a few branches down on one.

I hit em with the azmax after they are fairly dry I look and there are still tons of blk dots on the leaves underneath so I apparently dident even get much of them off spraying the undersides of the leaves with the garden hose I'm really becoming pissed seems like I'm infested.

Even though I don't seem to notice the buds all webbed up yet just like some leaves I'm pretty discouraged as I have 2 more fullsized plants that are ready to be budded after these ones I got are finished and they too have bugs.

So I'm like wtf do I do now do I harvest what I got when ready then finish off the other 2 I moved outside and harvest or do I just harvest what I have almost done now and scrap the other 2 vegging ones and not waste anymore $$ or time on 2 buggy plants.

I need to find a way to make sure I can start a new grow and be mite free I planned on getting some fresh seed bank seeds and fresh dirt. who wants to grow weed and have it come out shitty even if I grow kush I would imagine anyone can tell its mite weed I'm sure plus it will be weak like midgrade prolly.

what should be my next step any ideas ??? oh ya and btw I got about 3 weeks left /4
love growing organic but if there bugs in the room I grab some ultimate bug killer and spray the under leaves of the plants and again two weeks later its no great but I am not taking the risk of losing oz's or my plants just to keep it organic
This is some funny shit!
I almost feel it's really funny to read about fighting the problem for months and months......."I used this" and "I used that" and "nothing worked". Not to mention that ever present, "Well I used what you said before and it hurt my plants and did not work"......The next step is someone actually giving an answer that works because when they used what actually works, IT WORKED!

Most of those who fight mites for extended periods of time.....Must be dumb enough to not understand that their IN the rest of the grow......You find them, you treat for them (swallow hard, sigh that you have to go "non-organic" and USE the "big gun" treatment)!! Now you TREAT the GROW!

Bleach sanitizing solution and spray on every surface in the grow.....Walls, floor, ceiling, tables, chairs, nutrient bottles, empty pots and for gods sake, be sure that you use a "contact killer" and spray the surface of the soil/media at the same time you use that "big gun"!

"I used what you said and it burned my plant"......I doubt it! Unless you didn't READ AND FOLLOW the directions! MORE IS NOT BETTER!!!!!
What you say to use is a deadly poison! BS of the first order......don't generalize a usage label ! IF your considering a "big gun" mite insecticide and are concerned about it's toxicity.....GOOGLE "product name" toxicology report and read it for yourself!

IF it is systemic,,,then read carefully about it's toxicity and it's toxic half life!
Any thing OTHER then systemic and you should be much more secure in feeling what your using is far safer then the "systemic"!!

Now then (don't look Dobbs). You want to actually get rid of the problem?

These work! They are the "big guns". I like the first one, best!....Had to kill off a problem with 2 types of mites in a fair sized perpetual grow....

Forbid 4F

You can get small affordable amounts on ebay....These 2 I know are selling the real full strength product I trust the most!

If it didn't work for you - You used it wrong or got "had" by a fake seller, so quit yer bitchin at the product! NEVER buy one that says half strength or "generic" version!

If your so organic that you can't fathom what I suggest...Don't start your temper tantrum about "poison" and what we all should be doing....Keep your organic "politics" in the organic forum thread...

Did you choose the fast way and the easy road and are getting Forbid?
Follow the directions!
LIGHT misting on the TOP of the leaves...EVERY PLANT IN THE WHOLE GROW!
Now use a "contact" killer and spray the surface of the soil/media.....EVERY PLANT AGAIN!

NOW spray down the whole grow - EVERY THING!!! (bleach sanitize)
Repeat the sanitize again 7 days later....

I got RID of the problem in one fell swoop this way - 10 days NO mites
The grow has stayed mite free for just under 5 years!

Stressed plants give off a pheromone that attracts mites! Keep your plants unstressed and greatly reduce the chance of mites!
Use a Si supplement and it helps the plant resist the mites.

Good luck

well ok some of that confused me and at this point me the op don't care weather or not the spray is organic I tried some azmax because I herd it works I don't know of any of the other products you mentioned or how well they work compared to say azmax. I was infact gonna get some Einstein oil for the vegging plants I have herd that works well but I have never herd of the products the last poster mentioned.