Help spider mites and tiny maggot looking things on leaves??


Well-Known Member
I am going into flowering and I am noticing what appeared to be some kind of pest I see what looks to be a small maggot larvae like looking thing on some of my leaves . mostly the lower leaves have like whte spots on them like lil dots I cant for the life of me figure out what they are or how to get rid of them before its too late??

I am also seeing some spider mite not really sure but I think one of my clones must have been infected so now I have atleast 2 pests to get rid of any ideas im in the first week of flowering.

The white things I could see them like moving on the leaves I could see them with the naked eye.

The spider mites I had to use the scope to really see em
Get ready for a full on attack to get rid of your pests. What ever you use - don't use it sparingly - spider mites adapt to your methods and live on.
If sounds like the plants are ready to stage a full infestatrion - plants can become completely webbed up.

Each plan of eradication is different and unique. I prefer a multi-staged attack with natural preditors like lady bugs and full spray method using your kind of fumigation on leaves or with foggers. Some have great results with the yellow Hot Shot pest strip containers. If you go with lady bugs - use them first before spray or fog. Introduce them in a dimly lit room or dark - If lights are on they scatter away from the light and plants...

I have gone to battle 3 times with spider mites. The last time was costly - took me 9 months to get rid of them. Finally did it with No Spider Mite - Three applications instead of just two to really get rid of the egg larve. This stuff is very expensive!

Get some pics up if you can... not sure what the maggots are about...

Good luck and never give up!
Don't go to flowere wait till pest are destroyed. Turn.your lige
hts back to 18/6 or whatever you run

YES THIS!!!!! do NOT go into flower

I'm sorry to say but when I had mites, i got rid of all my infected plants. if you try and grow with them, forget it... you'll never get rid of them.

If you have plants in flower that are clean, DO NOT under any circumstances put any of the veg infected plants in flower, just let them finish out and do their thing and be glad it didnt spread.

Here is what I would do if you feel so attached to the infected plants that you wont part with them. you want to do is get a couple products, 1 being Neem Oil, 2 being Captain Jacks Dead Bug. When you get these tools start treatment ASAP alternating products every 3-5 days. Mite life cycle is fast, every 3-5 days new ones will hatch. you will need to do this treatment for several weeks before it could even be considered close to safe. the problem is if you send them to flower, you absolutely do not want to be spraying product on plants past the 3rd week of flower, which really is not enough time to eradicate the problem. But if it were me i would do the following...

here is a SURE FIRE WAY to get rid of them, it's worked for me... Make a solution of the Neem oil (1/2-1 gallon is fine) and make a solution of the Captain jacks (or other product) of the same amount in separate containers that have openings large enough to fit your hands into. Next get your cloner ready to go or however you clone IN A ROOM AWAY FROM YOUR INFECTED PLANTS if possible (if not possible, make it possible). Take cuts off of the plants that you would like to save the strain. right when you take the cuts invert them and dunk the entire cutting (except the end of the stem where you cut the clone) in each solution for 15 seconds or so. This will ENSURE that every single surface of that cutting has been treated with product. Then dip into your rooting hormone or whatever you use to clone (i use about 5 drops of clonex gel in 10-12oz of water and let them soak for 24 hours then i put them in the aero cloner but this would also work for plugs). When you think the clones are sure to make it, get rid of all your vegging plants that are infected. Clean your veg room and the area surrounding it, and don't put any more plants in it for at least a week (i would go 2 weeks). If the mites have no food or habitat, they will not survive.

Be VERY aware that you can contaminate your flowering room just by working in veg around the bugs, and then going into the flowering room can transfer bugs to the place where they REALLY like to hang out. It's paradise for them in flower. So change your clothes, shoes, take shower, whatever you feel necessary before going from infected room to flower.
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If the maggot looking things are so small you can't see them without a microscope and so numerous they seem uncountable, you have russet mites. They are different and worse than spidermites.

I can tell you what you'll need, but it won't be an organic solution.
If your in soil then seal up the top part of pot so soil cant fall out. fill up a trash can w water and insecticide and dunk the entire plant into the solution to saturate everything and kill everything drown them fuckers
If the maggot looking things are so small you can't see them without a microscope and so numerous they seem uncountable, you have russet mites. They are different and worse than spidermites.

I can tell you what you'll need, but it won't be an organic solution.

what I said is the maggot like looking things I can see just by looking at them sqerming around on the under side of the leaves they appear white under the scope and the body looks like big piece of french bread that has a bunch of slices in it
well I got some neem oil dyna grow I know u cant really use it on flowering so I also got some azamax hope it works or atleast helps
First you're going to need ten gallons of gasoline, then you'll want to pour it over anything that can hold pockets of air when wet. Your carpet, couch, curtains, refrigerator, bed, car, et cetera. Then you'll want wood matches, the strike anywhere kind. Only rank beginners use paper matches for this sort of work. At this point, simply take off your clothes, throw a garbage can through the window and set the place on fire. Problem solved.

But seriously, I'm intrigued by this:

If your in soil then seal up the top part of pot so soil cant fall out. fill up a trash can w water and insecticide and dunk the entire plant into the solution to saturate everything and kill everything drown them fuckers
Use this stuff for spidermites, its DDT for spidermites and no harm to plants at all. This stuff is DDT.

Sounds like you dont have spidermites. They dont look like maggots. You need to post a pic.
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could have been the larvae I saw either way a guy said the webbing had started it looked like so I must have atleast spider mites I even saw one with my own eyes

the other thing I saw had like a white body with 2 blk eyes.

a lot of leaves are browing up and going crispt on the lower branches on several plants even the rdwc not just soil and you can just touch em and they fall off

on one plant some leaves went brown near the middle of the plant
Did you change your lights back to a vegetative cycle?
You did not respond to that suggestion here, yet. That's step 1.

Do so now if you haven't. Not later, now. You're risking contaminated buds or zero harvest if you don't do that.

You're going to lose a few weeks to this problem and you just have to accept it.

It doesn't matter what bugs you have, stop thinking about that and fucking murder them.

You could put a Hot Shot No Pest Strip in the tent for an hour a day every day for a week, don't breathe that shit if you can help it and bag it up and get it out of the house when it isn't in the tent. That stuff is nasty, but it works. Azamax is good too. Neem oil is friggin' useless, in my opinion. You could top dress your soil with some Azomite or Diatomaceous Earth after eradicating the little bastards but before the rinse-off. Any straggler bugs who hit the soil will die before they can get back up to the foliage, it tears them apart. None of the effective solutions will be happy organic hippy dippy one love solutions, it is chemical warfare.

Don't go halfway, blitzkrieg their shit!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, read up so it doesn't happen again, in the process you will identify what critters you have aside from mites.
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I am going into flowering and I am noticing what appeared to be some kind of pest I see what looks to be a small maggot larvae like looking thing on some of my leaves . mostly the lower leaves have like whte spots on them like lil dots I cant for the life of me figure out what they are or how to get rid of them before its too late??

I am also seeing some spider mite not really sure but I think one of my clones must have been infected so now I have atleast 2 pests to get rid of any ideas im in the first week of flowering.

The white things I could see them like moving on the leaves I could see them with the naked eye.

The spider mites I had to use the scope to really see em


You have the most common form of marijuana pest, two spotted spider mites. If you got them from a fellow cannabis grower then they may be a huge PITA to get rid of. The only thing i have found that works are hard core pesticides that CANNOT be used on a flowering plant. SO get some chemicals and blast those fuckers before u flower. Mites are incredibly resilient little fuckers. If u miss one mite or one egg they will be back to full infestation within weeks. Most forms of 2 spot mites in California are very resistant to the common MJ grower pesticides such as AVID and Floramite so if you can find a different chemical like Tetra-San (specially made to kill 2 spot mites) you will have a lot better success killing them.
i hit em once and sprayed with hose ezcept i hit em wit azmax after i sprayed witch sounds backwards been about 4 days dont see much ??? should i spray them again then hose em off
I fought the buggers for over 2 years and have finally won the battle. Almost everything I used worked little if at all. Each time I thought I got rid of them, they'd show back up a month latter, worse than before. The problem is, and what most people don't know or don't talk about is- there are different types of spider mites. Many things work for one or two types but not all of them. If you read most of the label for mite killers, they list the mites they kill but often I see some mites listed but others not. So, it's important to identify the type of mite(s) you have.

OR, go this root and I can almost guarantee you better results than most if not all of the products previously mentioned.

Go into flowering because you have 2 weeks or so before any buds have begun. You're problem will be solved by using the following recommendations:

1. With lights on or off, but no ventilation, go to Walmart and buy a pack or two of the No Pest Strips and hang them in the room for two days. It releases a vapor that will kill all spider mites. Make sure you shut off ventilation and seal the room very well. Let the vapor build in the room do it's stuff. I do it for 2 days to be sure. I always use 2 strips in a 10 X 12
2. Then in 2 days, vent the room well before you re-enter. The vapor is no healthy to breath obviously. Then as the second part, go buy some Dawn Ultra dish detergent and mix 2 teaspoons per quart of warter and spray the plants well for 3 days in a row or every other day for 3X. This soapy water will smother all mites. Make sure you do it very thoroughly as if you miss 1 mite, they'll be back!!!!! I rinse the plants off well about 20 minutes after each spraying. The mix does not have much soap in it and won't hurt the plants, but you don't want it to build up over time so a nice drenching is good and it also rinses the bugs off the leaves.

If you don't believe me, go to youtube and watch some of the videos about Dawn killing spider mites, along with many other insects including white flies, thrips, gnats, etc. It's very effective. Many companys will try to sell you the latest and greatest mite killer for mucho bucks, and many of them aren't very effective, no matter what they say. If many of these products worked, you wouldn't keep seeing so many spider mites issues from growers everywhere. None of the other products killed off my problem totally and I tried them all. Probably spend $500-$600 over a couple of crops. My way will cost you $15 tops, and works better than all of them.

Lastly, DO Not Knock it until you've tried it. It's very effective if you spray every plant well, including the pots, walls, floor, etc. But especially the plants from top to bottom.
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Get some avid and floremite spray the whole room 3 days apart then kill the plants bleach the room and start over .save your self a year of frustration lol
There are countless methods for controlling mites, neem oil, washes etc are good ones that come to mind but there are countless others... In our experience, controlling mites is never ending battle which EVERY one should want to avoid by being proactive and keeping things clean in your growing environment..

At one point, we tried Spinosad related products that were extremely effective but required multiple applications (not good imho).

Which leads to this... Time is extremely valuable in this hobby. Spider mites will feast on your garden if not properly destroyed. In our experiences just one application of Floramite was enough to completely remove the little f'ers (at least visually) A second application applied a few days later to ensure removal.
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Just so you know, NEVER spray Avid, Floramite, neem, Azamax while in flowering. These are "oil" based killers, which clog's the breathing of the stomata and will kill back your buds. Use only water based products like Mighty Wash and Liquid LadyBug in flowering, which won't do as much damage to your plants. Still, in all cases, I still believe a soapy water based spray will suffocate all mites and is way cheaper if done correctly.......but in veg, the above products are fine. But as I mentioned, many of these are specific to only certain typoes of mites and will not kill all of the them.