Help solve the case of the mystery CO2 source!

So last night I'm in my room doing my rounds and all of a sudden, the co2 in the room starts climbing rapidly

I have no burners or tanks right now so i have no idea where its coming from. I stayed in the room to keep an eye on it. About 5 minutes later..


At this point im thinking what youre probably thinking. Its just this meter, right?
20140107_163741.jpg20140107_163741.jpg I decided to grab the one from the veg room to check against the sentinel. As you can see this is no error, my co2 is way higher than nornal. Something is causing this

I stayed in the room until everything started to get all fuzzy and such (2020ppm was the last I remember)
Went back in about 20 minutes later and it settled at 1400ppm. Not complaining because this is obviously in the good ranrge, but I would still like to know what's causing this.

It stayed around 14-1500ppm until the lights went off and then it went back down to 5-600(normal)

So im thinking the co2 was being pumped in from outside by my intake, but what was producing this co2 outside? I walked around the building, nothing odd.

Can someone please help me figure this out:/? I'm stumped!


Ps. The lights and fans are back on ans the co2 is up to 1400 again!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
That can be VERY alarming due to the fact that how long has this been going on? Could it be from poorly vented furnace or water heater????? if so whats the Carbon monoxide levels at in the house??? Even the 1014 reading is rather high for indoors and no supplementing in use.....still that's a "safe level".

1: Where is the furnace and the water heater located in relation to your room?
2: What about the venting from them? And is it possible there is leaked fumes getting into the rooms intake?
3: You aren't making beer or wine near the room's intake, right?
4: If #'s 1 or 2 may be in question. Your local gas company will test that for you.....if you dare to.

"giggle" you didn't fart did you?:shock:

To many people or pets can raise levels,,,Nah, not it.
Sometimes it can come from underground if the ground levels of C02 are high, "earth fart". :shock:

I would look carefully at the first 2....Maybe recalibrate your sentinel? And watch it when the furnace and/or water heater run!

Good luck with this one for sure!!!
This just happened last night, I'm there all the time so I would have noticed if it happened in the past. CO levels are safe as far as I know.

Furnace and water heater are close to the room but not the intake. Have a friend coming to check both out here in a bit though.

Rats, i forgot about my microbrew op i have running adjcent to my grow! Jk :lol:

Earth fart made me lol...dont think its that!

Thanks for the opinion brother, much appreciated :)