Help Small White bugs!


Can someone help me I just watered my plant and notice for the first time very tiny white bugs crawling around the top of my pot. Can someone help me determain what they are and help me with a treatment. The soil is canna coco. This is my first grow and im about 5 weeks in. HELP PLEASE!


Active Member
How small are they? Could be spider mites, and whatever it is id, get a bug bomb in there fast. Unless you are in flower, then thats a wholediff situation


Active Member
Do they jump? Are they on the plant itself or just in the pot? Have they been creating any damage to the leaves? If so post a pic of a leaf.


Tiny as just like a white specks. I cant find them on the plant only on the top of the pot and the watering straw for the pot.


IMG_2468.jpg I cant get a real good photo beacause they are so small. Its funny just went to try and take some more photos and they have gone can't find them they must be in the soil I also can't find them on the 3 Plants.


Active Member
Those are spider mites man. Id get some shit and bug bomb that room or else you wont ever get rid of them and they will destroy your whole crop


Active Member
If they are spider mites, I would not use a bug bomb or any other insecticide, as they are mites (not insects) and it wont be very effective and they can quickly develop a resistance.

All you have to do is raise your humidity, and spray your plants with soapy water; make sure you water your plants 30 min. prior to spraying inorder to limit the amount of soap they absorb.

Lather, rinse, repeat.


Ok I wonder if it had anything to do with trying to drop the temperature in my grow box from 31 degrees c to around the 26 degree mark because opening a few holes up has dropped the temp but also droped the humidity. I only notice these mites this morning and not before when it was warmer in there. I definitly cant find them on the plants only around the soil and pot. should I seal the grow box back up?


Active Member
I would dip them in some floramite or get some spray from they hydro,my buddy tried that soap thing and it didnt work they keep laying eggs and produce rapidly. I think they lay like 200 eggs in a 20 day life span. so you can see where its headed if you dont fix it. Id try both methods, but they willstill be in your roomsince they are crawling around everywhere and not just on your plants.


Thanks Ill give something a go ive resealed the grow box up added some water in the box to bring up the humidity. I cant find any this morning but Ill do something thanks everyone for there time.


Active Member
If they are spider mites, I would not use a bug bomb or any other insecticide, as they are mites (not insects) and it wont be very effective and they can quickly develop a resistance.

All you have to do is raise your humidity, and spray your plants with soapy water; make sure you water your plants 30 min. prior to spraying inorder to limit the amount of soap they absorb.

Lather, rinse, repeat.
I enjoyed the simplicity of that spider mite fix.
In case I ever get them, I will refer to this.