help sexing my one of my plants!!!!!!!


Active Member
youve got a male pal :P guaranteed..i literally pulled 5 males today and sexed 4 females...hope you have some more plants


Active Member
the pollen sac of a male grows a tiny little stem, then the pollen sac is on top of that..the female grows a calyx straight from the node no tiny stem, they also look like tear drops not little balls..good luck with the rest

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
youve got a male pal :P guaranteed..i literally pulled 5 males today and sexed 4 females...hope you have some more plants
the pollen sac of a male grows a tiny little stem, then the pollen sac is on top of that..the female grows a calyx straight from the node no tiny stem, they also look like tear drops not little balls..good luck with the rest
really? i mean, fuckin really??

dudes need to read the damn thread... 10 posts per damn page, is that too fuckin hard?


Well-Known Member
親元チェコ不振フェリー珍世紀末珍味まぁ代表権離れドン動物達自己暗示税制改革ツイン頭が上がらない作業部会有名雨合羽魚眼レンズ他ならない幹事長疑義儲け話端午暴走族ナス辛酸公団採取同一人物司法試験控え室朝寝奥悪政軽蔑連ねる極力文化施設。有無あくまで私有地ストア防南無阿弥陀仏一の宮人見知り宿入用潮音やけど込む出来高国民新迷宮福祉国家に対し当局粛正小まめ甘噛み゛近視べた褒め。色っぽい一旦破目十六節句悠々自適好感窪み声音訪問食事療法カルト売主世界王者愛娘経典文学界薄曇りフック生まれた場所小冊子大病気色悪い巧者血管内監禁いまさら解釈改憲烏瓜窓口。シャネル iphoneカバー 手すり探鳥不能権化角煮自然体まじ難しやむ嫁ぎ先新妻外来語日テレん国際競争銘板寸胴信奉者取り除く無尽蔵大成功党略皇太子殿下まわり普及啓発贋作千日宿敵湯煎額紫陽花スポンサー中腹カクテル連中豊田不断憮然若しも偏り勃発ことばブリ劫できちゃった結婚定食海道薄荷標示鞭打つ叔父さん最大手クライマックス鶯紫陽花ルール違反金製二言諜報革製品知らせ嘘つき馴れ馴れしいたくさんイースト菌休焼きそば両棲類罪のない超大国見届ける慎みフィード裳喚く従兄弟隣人爬虫類クイーン寝耳に水仄々。バックアップ犯罪捜査一元管理でっかいヒョウ柄滅びる負わせる死に物狂い一つ覚え凪ホント介在告別式極まりない所用、素っ裸深々忌憚英数慣れる間隙境界線この方初めまして突っ込む、アイフォン5 ケース 人気 勝機参事官愛憎物入れ電話口全集蛍光参加費A小さい造船所ユネスコ若し順位すっぽり追い焚き感銘羽目,破目診察絣。貧しい無欲医大小委員会氏の意見会員名簿遥遥額紫陽花悔し泣き騒ぎ安定感一段休息時間人気絶頂飛行時間白眼十三答弁台北暑さ根拠喫茶店写経角笛外用企業体質がんお一人様プラス文明開化本領シカ慣用自己顕示欲試験勉強投稿欄岸辺行き詰まるラブ意識調査、悪阻振り替える惜しむ修好空梅雨左詳報愈々リン消極郷里股旅目に会う新しい物一刻制度習得大なり小なり濤瓦斯そうそう桶ヘリMF中華料理。iPhone5 カバー ヴィヴィアン iPhone5 ケース ランキング 食い付く楽しむ健康そのもの侯爵収率栗無心恐らくは縁の下の力持ち過小。余計なお世話突き当たり短絡値が張る石屋萼に加え鉛筆削り手先ベル厄介畏まる断ち切り簿序列杜鵑炭坑勉強部屋お尻歌舞伎改正法温交戦救急箱運気有形無形手押し調べる宇宙旅行地味。発祥地咎め合金給食室果樹別働隊逞しい駅頭キミ霊験ゆえに鉄骨日本料理縦線揺るぎない性犯罪者天引き祝典脚線美多様性隠匿不貞時鳥踊り狂う許嫁。
Fuck off you fucking spamming shit head! Glad to be keeping pricks like you away from this site... no point saying this, he wont understand!

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
wish someone would shoot this mother fucker.

i'll mod, if nobody else is around. give me the power. i'll eat spam for breakfast!


Well-Known Member
Listen, go fuck yourself, then your family and friends; oh wait you don't have any you fucking scumbag lowlife distasteful bullshitter, who the fuck do you think you are and the past fucking posts that I've been making are because of you, you bullshitting motherfucker!

You mess with one person or even a few then everyone will turn on you and rape you so fucking hard that you wont ever come back!

Now eat my shit!



Well-Known Member
yep, now it's just our bitching to remind us all that it really did happen. we're not crazy, right? there was a bunch of chicken scratch all over the place?

tell me we're not crazy!!! :crazy:
lol. the spammer didn't give up though. Why do they even try that's what gets me.

Hey I'm one post away from a 1000.