help sexing my one of my plants!!!!!!!

Unfortunately I am a noob. But i would check it every day and make online references. If it is male, put a trash bag over it and then remove it. I cut mine at the stalk and tossed it in a cow field at night


lol if its a male I kinda wanna like do something funny with it. but im hoping its not a male I have 6 plants im hoping out of them 4 are female


Well-Known Member
Your pics ain't too good, I can't see much signs of any sex yet, how long have you been flowering for? PM me

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
i do, and i see that it's on a meristem (think that's the right term). pod on a stick is a nut, inset pod is a vag. totally see it, it's a dude. sorry bro...


its alright its my first grow! I have 6 running hopefully I can get some females to clone! ill post some pix of the whole set up and ill post more as the others show signs

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
fucking nice as hell for a first time man! way to pull out all the damn stops!!

here's a spoiler for you... males almost always show first (don't we? heh...), so if this is your only plant showing out, chances are you've got five little girls to play with!

..... damn that's pervy.... :twisted:


haha I got my card and I figured if I was gunna do it, I didn't wanna mess around haha. there is another plan showing but instead of a ball on each side its like a tiny little stick, I cant get a pic of it bu does that sound like a female?


Well-Known Member
If it looks like a thin hair with a sort of milky color or a Vaseline like color without any balls then it is a female. Just look it up on the internet


my lights are on and I've been trying to snap a pic but its not turning out even close to as good as the other one (which was inadequate) they look totally different so I going to have to assume one is female and one is male

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
my lights are on and I've been trying to snap a pic but its not turning out even close to as good as the other one (which was inadequate) they look totally different so I going to have to assume one is female and one is male
turn off the big light and shine a work lamp on area to be photographed. use a prop or tripod to get it steady, and set the camera for macro. get way up in there, to the point it's nearly a criminal offense, like a dog snuffing a stranger's crotch...

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
those are females. the spikes in the center aren't part of a plant's sex organs. so, if the other two look like those, congratulations!