HELP seen some little bastards on my babys (pics)


hello, any help advice needed on my 2nd grow and just been to water and have a look just got home from work but noticed like really small white thing crawling about on the leaves and noticed for a wile the leaves specialy at the bottom looking a bit patchy its hard to exsplain i have taken some pics but they had just gone to bed so no light so not the best pics and couldnt seem to find any of them wen i had camera in my hand. i am a gooood few weeks into flowering, and the last thing i want is any problems at this stage. also i noticed my friends plants ( which we both got the same cuttings ) alot of his leaves had looked like mine do now and he didnt seem worryed and his been doing it for a few yrs but hes neva had any bug problems before. so any advice and HELP last thing i want is my babies being eaten! ill load some pics up

sorry i know its posted twice just could do with help!


okay cheers mate what are they, and how can i get rid, and how much damage will they do? and it 100% thrips?


Well-Known Member
okay cheers mate what are they, and how can i get rid, and how much damage will they do? and it 100% thrips?
If you live in the states then get some ( spinosad ) and ( HOT SHOT NO PEST STRIPS ). these will eradicate the infestation. If your from uk you can get them on ebay, but they will have to come from the states so may take 10 days to arrive. In the meen time get some Neem oil and spray your leaves and medium. This will not eradicate the problem but will slow them down so they are managable...

If you need more help then just PM me and i will give you the full run down on what i did to destroy my infestation of thrips.

or visit my thred and scroll through untill you find where im at war with the insects. lots of great info in there for you.


yeah ill have too have a look on ebay, just had a quick look on google about them n what other ppl have done, and im just worryed because im quite far on will it have any effect on the taste of her?


just had a quick look on ebay didnt realise they were strips, is this to try catch them once they start to fly only noticed some white ones at the moment, sorry if i sound dumb im really new to this! and the neem oil, it just basicly nit loation? isnt this quite strong stuff to put on the plant? and could this effect the taste? or do you water it down? sorry to be questioning you but its givin me a right head ache just when i thought things were going really well :(


Well-Known Member
Mate not to worry. The neem oil and hot shot strip wont affect taste. Hots shot is a vapour and wont affect your plants in any way. neem oil wont affect your plants just spray on the foliage. I'll be back on later to give you the full low down. In the meen time get tho's ( spinosad and hot shots ) ordered Spinosad is the best solution for getting rid of them. do some research on it and you wont go far wrong....
