HELP! seeds ? sign for it

Has anyone ever ordered from and have to sign to get the package? I got a postal service card yesterday saying I had a international parcel and needed to be home to sign for it or pick it up from USPS. NEED HELP!


Well-Known Member
Never have ordered from them, but I have from two others and never had to sign for it. You should order that to go to a friends house, Good luck.
Yeah I should have but its to late. It did mention on the website in the ? area that if you didnt want to sign for it you had to tell them when you were ordering, which I didnt do


Well-Known Member
Well then I wouldn't worry about it and go get them. If it says that and you didn't tell them, then I'm sure your problably fine.
alright I will but if I am not on here for a few weeks dont ever order from them. by the way check them out because they have some really good prices


Well-Known Member
ummm well ive had to sign for heaps your only fucked if you use a fake name, and they ask you for id and you cant come up with a believable story fast lol.

there was only ever one order i never had to sign for....

peace out

the reason you will have to sign most likely is because you had track and trace or priority mail. it ensures your parcel gets t you and you know when to expect... unless intercepted of course
ok everybody I ordered seeds from and they came within 8 days. I had to go sign for them but I have them so thanks for the comments


Well-Known Member
strange how.

ive had to sign a few times. its called track and trace or insured postage helps ensure your hit gets to you and identify if it didnt. saves people calling up the banks trying to claim shit didnt arrive when it did.

i shat myself the first time ui had to sign too lmfao.
Hey is a good site for buying seeds? I Live in the US and i dont feel like getting busted or ripped. Could I Order the seeds using a prepaid credit card? Also I Still live with my parents, and Go to school ( im 19). What are some good tips, im a first time grower.


Active Member
Depends on your parents. Mine, when I was 19, no way.

Just sign for whatever. If you're busted, they will come a knockin' with a search warrant. Highly unlikely. Getting struck with lightning have better odds (knock on wood).


Well-Known Member
nirvana sux..

dont believe me try for yourself.. i lost 340 bux cos of them and there incompetence. thou thanks to that i figured out how to get around the system (customs letter) so i aint that angry but still pissed.


Well-Known Member
Hey is a good site for buying seeds? I Live in the US and i dont feel like getting busted or ripped. Could I Order the seeds using a prepaid credit card? Also I Still live with my parents, and Go to school ( im 19). What are some good tips, im a first time grower.
i have orddered from them and have nothing bad to say about them fast shipment, stealth package and very nice prices.

Dunno if they ship to the US but i think they do.

Sorry for going of topic:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you were still kinda on topic hehe. origional question has been answered and new ones have presented themselves lol.

glad to hear you got a good experience from them though...
well I was nervous as hell but it turned out good and I got my 5 free with my order. I will put pictures up when I start in a few weeks. Thanks everyone
Hah ok, Yeah im looking to buy seeds with a prepaid card. Any good sites besides Nirvana, that ship to the US. I would just get them from my friend, But he's out of town for a while.