help! seedlings falling over


Hi guys, after much reading, i decided to pull the trigger and grow some plants myself (all the cool kids were doing it!). but it seems that after a bit over a week, my plants are growing sideways/falling over.

here are all the details:

-seeds are world of seeds afghan kush
I germinated them in a paper towel (about 8 days ago) and planted them in 1" rockwool cubes the next day when the taproot showed up. (now in netpots filled iwth hydroton).

-i use GH nutrients. i used just plain PH adjusted tapwater with no nutrients for the first few days and slowly bumped the ppm's up to about 450 total (water was about 150 without nutrients). Yesterday i changed out the reservoir and put in floranova, for a total ppm of around 750 (again, water was 150ppm).

-I noticed that they were sort of "slumping over" towards the light (400w MH, 4000k temperature). yesterday, I lowered the light to a bit over 1.5' above the plants. used to be about a foot higher than that, with no reflector (i put one on yesterday)

-They are growing in a small closet (4x2') and i leave the door open so that the temps dont get too hot and there is some ventilation.

-I read that maybe i should get a desk fan to get a slight breeze which would make them stronger. got a small 12" desk fan at walmart, and when i put it on the lowest setting about 1.5m away from the plants, they swing all over the place (and leaves face away from the light). im too scared to leave the fan on them as it looks like itll literally blow them away.

-Im using a aquarium pump + drippers to feed them 3x a day (for 30 minutes, thats the lowest setting my timer can go to). could it be that im overwatering them?

i snapped a pic and uploaded it (now removed). the angles not the best, but as you can see, they are either growing sideways or completely falling over to the ground unless i prop them up on the drippers.

Please help guys, they are only 8 days old :(
they are innocent and dont deserve this

i put some supports around them to prop them straight up, and am running the oscilating fan on low setting to give them a bit of a breeze. i think i will run it for 30 minutes a day and increase if they respond well to it.


thanks alot guys for all your responses.

i flushed the plants with ph neutral water immediately, and raised the lights back up. will give the plants more time to grow.


Well-Known Member
The wind will strenghten them, just keep en eye on watering, as they will perspirate a bit more...

I'd never try to nute seedlings before 2 weeks again, Have a couple of seriously deformed plants from doing that in this batch.

Illegal Smile

Well-Known Member
You're using too much nute too early. If you want to keep them upright, cut a toilet paper roll to the right length and put it over the seedling so it can lean on it.


Well-Known Member
Yep nutes way too hot. Oh, and 400w is way too much for seedlings

You can cut a straw slightly longer than the length of the stalk. Next cut it lengthwise and GENTLY wrap the stalk. Push into soil


Well-Known Member
The three worst things to do...over light your plants.Move the light as high as you can and leave it there! They will grow into the space and get more lumen's as they get taller and need it! Too much ferts....too much water.....It's a weed and is used to struggle you keep it's feet wet and no roots for flowering!!!!!= no bud weight. slow down and let them grow..Root's first to support plant and future bud's then vege and bud site's etc....Heed these and reap the reward's my friend they will thrive if you let them read, learn, and help other's! Keep smiling!

Mr. high

Hey im a first time grower and idk if my plants are ok. They are about 3 weeks old and they are tall and skinny. And they are berely growing their second set of weed looking leafs. I see some ppl with bigass plants at 3 weeks old!
I was in the exact same boat you are in.
I purchased seeds a month ago and i found that you tend to get a stringier stalk from using rockwool so early in the process, after researching.
Here's a pick of how one of them look now ( after using a bread tie to help hold them up and reducing airflow around the plant in week 2 seed)

As you can see he is still leaning a bit, however after supporting them with bread ties at the beginning really helped.

I would definitely cut down the airflow if there rocking back and forth. Iv lost young plants in the past do to fans being way to close.

Im a 2 year grower so im not too experienced like other users. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
I use 400w with all my seedlings and plants/clones and out of 20-30 seedling maybe 5 will fall over because i plant them too high up but i just sit it up and add dirt and they stay upright.
I feed all my seedlings bloom nutes with no bad effects just a lot of growth in the leaves.