Help!-Seedling leaf bend and yellowing

My 2-week old seedlings are starting to develop yellowing leaves and some bending back (look at photo). I have them under 4 100W cfl's for 16 hours a day. The temperature sometimes gets above 84 degrees, but stays around 80 usually.

From my own research, it appears I am watering too much. I was planning on transplanting them to bigger pots this weekend.

Any suggestions would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
The first problem i see is that the plants are stretching a bit....get the CFL's closer if possible. Also the discolor could be a few things. Over watering like you mentioned, but also if the soil is strong it could burn them. So what so are you using? And nutes yet? (I wouldn't use nutes yet myself) Also check the PH of your water that your using! This is a must. I had so much trouble when i started growing for the first couple years when all i had to really do is check the PH of my water and adjust it to about 5.5-6.5 depending on the strain and situation.(Then i didn't have RIU) Right now I'm looking into a PPM meter to take it to the next step.:leaf:


It looks like the yellowing part is just the seed leaves (cotyledons). They turn yellow and die after true leaves start developing. You should probably move your CFLs closer because your plants do look a little stretched.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the yellowing part is just the seed leaves (cotyledons). They turn yellow and die after true leaves start developing.
:lol:Didnt even think of, or notice that, Jeremy is right, And meant to also mention i have seen plants in way worse condition than this grow amazing stuff. These plants should be fine:leaf: